If they could have one thing this Mother’s Day, can you guess what (or, more accurately, who) it might be?
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She wants to see her baby grow up.
Cows are well known for the strong bonds they form with their calves — starting from when their little ones are as young as five minutes old.
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She wants to see her baby grow up.
In a natural setting, cows will drink from their mother for several months or longer — and generally stay close to their mothers, if they’re allowed to stay together.
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She wants to see her baby grow up.
Cows are doting and protective of their calves. They’re such good mums that they’ll even look after other calves in the herd if needed — like aunties.
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She wants to see her baby grow up.
Mother cows become visibly distressed when separated from their calves, and it is not unusual for them to bellow and call out for days when their babies are taken from them.
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She wants to see her baby grow up – but she won’t get to.
The dairy industry doesn’t let cows do what they do best — be mums to their calves.
To produce milk for humans, a dairy cow is kept in a cycle of almost constant pregnancy, forced to have calf after calf. These calves are normally taken away in the first 24 hours of their lives, so that the milk she is producing to feed her newborn can be instead taken for human consumption.
There are more than one million cows in the Australian dairy industry today — every single one is a mother. Their calves, often considered ‘wastage’ and killed, are the well-hidden victims behind commercial ‘dairy’ products.
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Clarabelle will see her baby grow up!
Clarabelle lived on a dairy farm. She endured many Mother’s Days without her calves, who were all taken away so that her milk could be sold. But a few years ago, she got very lucky. Clarabelle was rescued, and her baby Valentine was born soon after at Edgar’s Mission farmed animal sanctuary.
After giving birth, Clarabelle hid her calf in long grass — unaware that, for the first time in her life, this calf would not only be safe, but allowed to stay by her side for the rest of her days.
Clarabelle and Valentine will be spending this Mother’s Day — and many more to come — together.
Show some love to mums this Mother’s Day
Our special Mother’s Day donation certificates are the perfect addition to any gift or make a thoughtful last-minute present this May 12. A donation gifted on a special mum’s behalf helps support our efforts to shape a kinder future for all – including mother cows and their babies.

You can also help change the world for cows by eating and drinking kindly. As long as the demand for dairy milk continues, mother cows and calves will continue to suffer in this profit-driven industry. The most powerful thing you can do for them is enjoy dairy-free alternatives.
With an abundance of delicious dairy-free options these days, it’s never been easier (or more delicious!). Sign the pledge to go dairy-free today!