You didn’t know, did you?

In factory farms around Australia, mother pigs are trapped in a cycle of suffering. The meat industry relies on people not knowing this. Because chances are, if people knew, most would make a different choice – a kinder choice.

Rows of mother pigs peer out from behind the bars of in rusted metal crates. In front is a hard and dirty concrete floor
Credit: Farm Transparency Project

Laws don’t protect them, but you can.

All animals crave safety, comfort, and connection. But pigs – assigned to the category of 'food', not 'friend' – are forced to endure cruelties that would be illegal if inflicted on a dog or cat.

It doesn't have to be this way.

Credit: Farm Transparency Project

Your every day choices can help set them free. Nearly there! Thank you ! Thank you!

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Why do pigs need your help?

Australian laws allow a female pig to be severely confined in a cage barely bigger than her body. This is where she’s forced to ‘live’ for weeks on end; where she’ll have to eat, sleep, defecate, and give birth.

She won’t be able to turn around to nurture her piglets once they’re born. Destined to become pork products, her young can have their tails cut off and their teeth cut, without any pain relief.

As a result of the meat industry denying them their most basic behavioural needs, pigs are known to suffer depression and anxiety, all for the sake of industry profit.

At just a fraction of their natural lifespan, they’ll be trucked to the slaughterhouse where one of the cruellest of deaths awaits them – they’ll be lowered into a chamber and gassed with carbon dioxide to render them unconscious.

Terrified, and in pain, most pigs spend their final moments struggling and gasping for air.

Pigs are naturally very social and clever animals. They even outperform our canine friends in training. But trapped behind the walls of factory farms, most people simply don’t know the reality they face…

A still from our TVC
Tottie as an older piglet enjoying a caress on her face from a kind human hand.

Help transform the world for pigs.

Behind every piece of pork was a sensitive individual, deserving of kindness and protection. By making simple but powerful choices to live and eat more kindly, you can help bring all animals back into the circle of compassion.

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Your donation today can help support Animals Australia’s transformational campaigns to shape a kinder future for all animals.