Animals Australia raises public awareness of systemic animal suffering and the legal exemptions that facilitate it. We also work directly with governments, peak bodies and industry stakeholders to pursue needed change to improve the lives of all animals.

When it comes to the treatment of animals, our laws discriminate.
The level of protection they are given from cruel practices, and the quality of life they are afforded, is determined by how they are being used in society. Animals farmed for food, their skin or fur, used in sport or entertainment, in laboratories or considered ‘pests’ are excluded from the very laws that protect our pets, despite the fact that all animals share the capacity suffer.

Farmed animals are our highest priority due to the scale and scope of their suffering.
However, Animals Australia will seek to address systemic animal cruelty where and when there is an opportunity to influence change.
Underpinning cruel systems and practices is the belief – established in another era – that some animals are commodities and not equally deserving of kindness and protection from cruelty.
Therefore, evoking compassion is a key driver towards the fundamental shift in thinking required to secure the welfare and protection of all species.