We represent over
2 million individual members and supporters.
Animals Australia, along with our global arm, Animals International, has an unprecedented track record in investigating and exposing animal cruelty and for conducting world-first strategic public awareness campaigns.
Pre 2010
Here are some key highlights of the progress we've achieved for animals, all made possible through the unwavering compassion and commitment of our supporters.
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our impact
Pre 2010
Pre 2010: years in review
Animals Australia's live export and factory farming investigations and strategic public awareness campaigns catapulted the treatment of farmed animals - and how laws are failing them - into the national spotlight, and inspired millions of people to help create change.

Our first investigations into Australia's live export industry reveal a trade that is responsible for the suffering of millions of animals, during transport and in importing countries. Dozens of investigations since then spanning 16 countries confirm the cruelty inherent to the industry. Since our first investigations in 2003 87% (or 6 million) fewer sheep are being exported from Australia annually. Our work has also been the catalyst for major reform, both in Australia and overseas.
World-first investigation into live cattle trade to Indonesia
Animals Australia's first live export investigation in Indonesia not only uncovers the nightly abuse of Australian cattle but the role of Australian industry bodies in facilitating cruelty. Our evidence leads to significant regulatory reform of the entire live export industry.
Watch the full report

A bloody business: Four Corners exposé ignites global outcry
The broadcast of our investigation on ABC's flagship current affairs program sparks a public and political backlash, with tens of thousands of Australians taking to the streets calling for an end to live export. Our investigation is credited by media as lifting the consciousness of the nation when it comes to the treatment of animals.
Watch the 4 Corners report

Live export cruelty uncovered in Turkey.
As the Australian parliament voted on an historic bill to end live export, sparked by our investigation in Indonesia, we released further evidence of horrific cruelty to exported animals - this time taken in Turkey. The suffering of Australian sheep and cattle added to unprecedented political momentum against the trade.
Slaughterhouse shut down after suffering of pigs exposed
Three people pleaded guilty to cruelty charges and a slaughterhouse was closed by authorities after Animals Australia lodged evidence of the shocking abuse of pigs within its walls. The exposé provided a rare glimpse into the suffering of animals raised for food and led to thousands of people promising to make kinder food choices.

Make it possible: campaign for animals in factory farms
Pigs and chickens in factory farms are given an unprecedented voice to inspire an end to factory farming. Launching on Channel 10's The Project, Make it Possible is supported by a team of compassionate Australian personalities and inspires a quarter of a million people to pledge to never buy factory farmed products.

Rodeo cruelty exposed on national television
As a result of Animals Australia's campaigning against rodeo cruelty, the cruellest rodeo event of all - calf roping - is exposed nationally by the ABC's 7.30. Compassionate people across the country take a stand against the cruel treatment of these defenceless baby animals, emailing their state MPs to urge a ban on calf roping events.
Learn more about Rodeos

Another bloody business: live export cruelty exposed, again
The ABC's Four Corners reveals once more the cruel truth of live export in 'Another Bloody Business'. Walkley Award winning journalist Sarah Ferguson exposes the tragic story of how 21,000 Australian sheep suffered at the hands of the industry, and what happened to them in Pakistan - galvanising yet more support in the Australian community for a ban on live export.

Strongest ever action to shake up live export industry
A new regulation system comes into effect in some parts of the Middle East and in Turkey - prompted by our live export investigation in Indonesia. The new rules - which make the trade harder, and more expensive for export companies - require exporters to meet basic standards and prove that animals can be traced right through until slaughter in importing countries.
Watch the full report

Major retailers commit to go fur-free
After campaigning by Animals Australia and colleague group Humane Society International Australia, along with caring members of the community, major Australian retailers MYER and BIGW confirmed their decisions to be fur-free, proudly joining the Fur-Free Shopping List.
View the Fur-Free Shopping List
Millions learn the truth about dairy
A shocking case of cruelty to bobby calves in a northern Victorian abattoir is exposed on ABC's Lateline, thanks to the efforts of Animals Australia and member society Animal Liberation NSW; helping to inform caring Australians about the suffering of animals considered 'waste products' by the commercial dairy industry, and inspiring many to make kinder choices.
Learn more about farmed animals

Live cattle trade to Egypt suspended
An Animals Australia investigation reveals terrible cruelty to Australian cattle in two Egyptian abattoirs, sparking a suspension of the trade to Egypt. A brave Egyptian whistleblower vet describes the systemic cruelty facing Australian animals exported to his country, and the story makes national and international news, including an expose on ABC's 7.30.
Watch the report

Major retailers commit to go cage-egg free
With factory farming well and truly in the national spotlight thanks to our Make it Possible campaign, we see landmark commitments from Australian retailers to remove all cage eggs from their supply chains. These decisions will spare countless hens from a life of suffering in a cage.
Dogs and puppies rescued from cruel puppy factory
The combined efforts of Animals Australia, RSPCA Victoria and Loddon Shire Council have helped RESCUE 150 dogs from a notorious puppy factory. The owners plead guilty to over 200 charges and thousands of Australians are inspired to adopt their next best friend.
Read Franny's story

Australian bull breaks, and captures heart of a nation
Animals Australia investigators capture heart-wrenching video evidence of cruelty to Australian bulls exported live to Mauritius. The animal at the centre of the investigation - known as 'the crying bull' - became the public face of our biggest live export campaign to date.

Kids convince McDonalds to help hens and drop cages
We create a unique and heart-warming campaign fronted by Australian children calling on McDonalds to 'be kind to hens' and stop using cage eggs. And it works! Spurred along by national media and tireless community campaigning, McDonald's becomes the first major fast food chain in Australia to commit to remove all cage eggs from their supply chains. Subway follows close behind.
Read all about it

New investigation reveals link between pet shops and puppy farms
Sparking national media coverage, Animals Australia exposes the secret ties between pet shops, online sellers and the puppy factory trade. Victoria becomes the first state in Australia to ban the sale of puppies through pet shops - a landmark victory achieved through the collaborative lobbying efforts of Animals Australia and our friends at Oscar's Law and RSPCA Victoria.

Factory farm investigation reveals hens living in 'manure pits'
Shocking investigation footage reveals the plight of battery hens in an alleged 'state of the art' cage egg factory farm in NSW, driving more retailer commitments to dump cage eggs and inspiring thousands of Australians to take action on their behalf.

Aussie hens get a helping hand from Aussie comedians
Five of Australia's most loved comedians join forces with Animals Australia in our new national television campaign — That ain't no way to treat a lady - a collective and compassionate effort to help make cage eggs history.

Live export investigations make media headlines
Evidence gathered by Animals Australia live export investigators during the 'Festival of Sacrifice' airs on ABC Lateline, sparking once again, widespread public condemnation of the industry.
Watch the report

Brutal underbelly of Australian greyhound racing exposed
Unprecedented investigations by Animals Australia and Animal Liberation QLD uncover widespread barbaric 'live animal baiting' in the Australian greyhound industry — with the brutal practices exposed on ABC Four Corners. We follow up with investigations into the export of Australian greyhounds which reveal hundreds of Aussie dogs condemned to death on overseas race tracks.
Watch the report

Major TV campaign for 'man's best friend'
Animals Australia shines a light on puppy factories, by launching an innovative public awareness campaign across key TV spots and strategic outdoor advertising, asking caring Australian: "How well do you know your best friend?"

Our Veg Starter Kits inspires kinder food choices
Responding to the rapidly growing animal-friendly food movement, Animals Australia releases a free Vegetarian Starter Kit — packed with recipes and tips to inspire more delicious, healthy and compassionate eating.
Get your free veg starter kit

Campaign for the victims of live export hits the streets
Reaching millions of people each week through the biggest live export public awareness campaign in Australian history, Animals Australia gives a voice to the trade's victims — branding live export a crime against animals.
Read more about the campaign

National tour: Becoming the best we can be
During her national speaking tour, Animals Australia's Lyn White asked audiences one simple question: "Does history have to repeat itself, or is it possible to have a kinder, more peaceful world?" In January 2015, this life-changing special event — Becoming the best we can be — is released as a feature-length presentation, online and on DVD.

Australian slaughterhouse cruelty exposed
Hours of harrowing footage from a Victorian slaughterhouse reveal a system failure so bad, it has every caring Australian asking the question: how could this happen here? The evidence is exposed on national television, shining a spotlight on the daily suffering of animals raised and killed for food.
Major progress for hens as more food chains go cage-free
In the wake of our nationwide campaigns creating a wave of relentless public feedback, fast food giant Hungry Jack's step up for hens and pledge to go cage egg free. They are followed by retailers ALDI and global catering group Compass.

Investigation forces increased oversight in Israeli slaughterhouses
Following a series of investigations by Animals Australia and Israeli animal protection groups — which revealed shocking systemic cruelty to local and Australian animals — Israel's government orders CCTV to be installed in all the country's slaughterhouses.
Read the Jerusalem Post article

Unprecedented media and legal campaigns for ducks
We launch our eye-catching billboards, bus-backs and posters hit the streets of Melbourne, featuring elite Aussie athletes telling it how it is: shooting defenceless native ducks isn't a 'sport'. Relentless in defending our precious native waterbirds, Animals Australia's legal team takes the Victorian government to court, resulting in key wetlands closed to shooters and 80,000+ lives saved!
Find out more about who we saved

Live export industry caught-out sending cattle to be sledgehammered in Vietnam
In one of our most dangerous operations, Animals Australia investigators uncover evidence of ongoing crimes against Australian animals in Vietnam — with cattle sledgehammered to death — sparking a TV exposé on ABC 7.30. An urgent television campaign is launched on the eve of the Federal election calling for political action to end live export cruelty.
Hope for dogs in Bali with closure of dog meat trade
Animals Australia's undercover investigation exposes the cruelty of the dog meat trade in Bali - and the unwitting Australian tourists helping to fuel it. 170,000 compassionate people are inspired to take action for dogs leading to Balinese authorities announcing the closure of the illegal trade.

European animals tracked in global live export investigations
Animals Australia's global arm, Animals International, reveals shocking evidence from a landmark eight-month-long investigation into cruelty inflicted on live animals transported for slaughter across Europe and the world. The world-first evidence instigates EU parliamentary debate about the future of the trade.
Learn more about Live Export

A kinder world starts on our plates with Taste for Life
Our very first cookbook — Taste for Life — rockets onto the bestselling charts in its first week of release, the record sales proving that Aussies are hungry for plant-based food.
Order your copy today
Landmark legal challenge for ducks forces shooters off the wetlands
Thousands of native waterbirds get a reprieve from being maimed and killed by 'recreational' shooters, as authorities bar shooters from major wetlands following an unprecedented legal filing by Animals Australia.
Find out more

A big win for greyhounds with new racing track defeated
A hard-fought five-year battle against greyhound cruelty sees thousands of Animals Australia supporters join Animal Liberation Queensland and other groups in successfully defeating the proposed Logan racetrack.
Read the full story

Major media exposé reveals suffering of sheep at sea
Australia's flagship current affairs program, 60 Minutes, broadcasts world-first evidence documented across five 'routine' live sheep export shipments to the Middle East. This exposes terrible animal suffering and widespread breaches of Australian regulations, state laws and international standards. Footage of sheep 'cooking alive' at sea leads to a historic policy commitment by the Australian Labor Party to end live sheep export.

Federal court win proves live export shipment was illegal
Animals Australia takes the live export regulator - the Department of Agriculture - to the Federal court, and wins. The Department is forced to acknowledge that its decision to grant a permit for the export of 58,000 Australian sheep to the Middle East was made unlawfully.

Caring Australians force review of battery hen cages
In the biggest public consultation response for animals ever in Australia, over 147,000 caring Animals Australia supporters make a personal submission on behalf of hens to the Poultry Code review, calling for an end to cages. This massive public response forces a government rethink that puts a battery cage ban on the list of the review panel's recommendations.
Find out how we did it

Zoo rescue gives hope and new life to suffering animals
Our live export work in Jordan takes an interesting turn when we are asked to assess the country's zoos. A series of complex negotiations leads to Animals Australia taking custody of bears, hyenas, pelicans, tiger cubs... and more - all victims of the illegal wildlife trade to Jordan. Channel Nine's A Current Affair program broadcast their amazing story, and happy ending, as they adjust to their new life in a wildlife sanctuary.
Read the full story

Deadly greyhound racing track closed for good
The notorious Macau Canidrome - where hundreds of Australian greyhounds raced, and died - is shut down. The historic progress for animals was a true team effort supported by Animals Australia's investigations and tireless advocacy from Anima Macau, Grey2K USA and Pet Levrieri.

World-first ban on deadly summer sheep shipments
The live export of sheep from Australia to the Middle East is shut down for three months during the deadly northern summer, in a new law sparing one million animals annually from suffering on these scorching, deadly voyages.

Major corporate shift spares millions of hens life in a cage
Our collaboration through the Open Wing Alliance and direct negotiations with corporations sees major companies Best Western, Allied Pinnacle, Bidfood and Starbucks committing to help hens by removing cage eggs from their supply chains.

Banks shun cruel animal industries
Bank Australia becomes the first bank to announce they will not support the live export industry or factory farms. Thousands of Animals Australia supporters ask their banks to do the same and help inspire NAB to develop an animal welfare policy — a first for Australia's 'Big Four' banks.
Read about the NAB animal welfare policy
A new initiative to inspire conscious, kind food choices
Our brand new food advocacy brand - VegKit - is launched to inspire a way of eating that is not only healthy and delicious but can profoundly transform the world for animals. Thousands of people every day are engaging with VegKit, whether seeking plant-based recipes or product and lifestyle tips through our blog, Food for Thought.
Check out VegKit

Commitment to close live export loophole
We send an animal welfare expert to Sri Lanka when the ABC exposed the shocking suffering of dairy cows exported from Australia. In response to the exposé and calls from thousands of people to shut the trade down, the Australian Labor Party commit to finally closing the loophole that leaves 'breeding animals' unprotected in the live export trade.
See the full report

Emergency bushfire response funnels help to fire zones
As devastating bushfires tear through Australia - ultimately killing an estimated 3 billion animals - our emergency bushfire response funnels immediate assistance to get vets and food for surviving animals on the ground in fire-ravaged areas. Our incredible donors pitch in to fund new vehicles for vet teams, support for wildlife carers across the country, and mobile vet clinic vans to help access animals in difficult terrain.
Watch the Video

Helping animals during the global pandemic
The global pandemic puts many animals in countries from India to Colombia at risk of starvation, abandonment or worse... But thanks to the generous support of Animals Australia donors through our Emergency Grants Program, dedicated advocates on the ground ensure animals receive the help they need.
Read about the grants program

Major campaign shines light into factory farms
Across nationwide prime time TV, we launch 'Somewhere' — our groundbreaking public awareness campaign to shine a spotlight on the lives led by animals in factory farms, and the outdated laws - and ways of thinking - that have kept them there.

Australia’s very first 100% plant-based cooking show
Freshly Picked with Simon Toohey celebrates a way of eating and living that is kinder to animals and our precious planet. Our top-rating show on Channel Ten showcases all of the colour and diversity the plant-kingdom has to offer as well as the passionate farmers growing the food that lands on our tables.
Watch full episodes of Freshly Picked

Major media exposé sparks calls to end live export from Europe
Our international live export investigators join forces with Germany's Animal Welfare Foundation and the Austrian organisation, Verein gegen Tierfabriken, to track Austrian and German dairy calves exported live from Europe. This footage airs on a major German television program, sparking a public outcry.
A campaign for kindness: inviting people to Join the evolution
Join the evolution invites people to help write a new human story - one that uplifts, empowers and unifies, and that addresses the greatest cause of suffering in the world today - the treatment of our fellow species.
Join the evolution

Giving caged hens a voice on national TV
Australians get a glimpse into 30 seconds in the life of a battery hen through our new national television commercial calling on state premiers to ban the battery cage.

Emergency support in Afghanistan
Thousands of caring Animals Australia donors step up to support the courageous women-led team at Kabul Small Animal Rescue in their work to save local animals in the midst of turmoil in Afghanistan.

Breakthrough campaign to end live export from Romania
Sheep are given an unprecedented voice through our powerful new campaign - Save Miorita - calling for a ban on live export from Romania - Europe's biggest exporter of live animals.

Live export investigation outcomes
Our investigators capture distressing footage inside an Australian government approved slaughterhouse during the Festival of Sacrifice in Jordan. Animals Australia lodges our 71st legal complaint since new live export regulations were introduced ten years ago.

Animal ambulance saves lives in Gaza
Gaza’s only animal shelter purchases an animal ambulance, thanks to the generosity of our donors, and rescues hundreds of animals from the city’s streets.

Sulala Animal Rescue
Rescue and shelter support in Myanmar
Our donor funded emergency grants program helps compassionate volunteers in Yangon and Mandalay, who are carrying on with their lifesaving work while navigating the challenges of war and COVID, including rescue operations, veterinary care, and food, for hundreds of animals living on the streets.

Royal Heart
Life-saving surgery for a miraculous little pig
Through our emergency grants, donors help Jordy the rescued pig – who was found near Perth with brutal cuts to her throat, which were believed to be from a failed slaughter attempt. Jordy begins her new life, in safety and in love, at A Better Life animal sanctuary.

Our legal action to protect kangaroos on Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula
Hundreds of kangaroos are saved from being killed and the ‘Authority to Control Wildlife’ kill permit is cancelled, thanks to the ongoing groundswell of community advocates, and the Animals Australia legal team.

An international effort for wildlife
Animals Australia joins the International Kangaroo Protection Alliance – a global group of wildlife advocates helping shape a future where kangaroos are respected and protected.

Helping waterbirds on Victoria’s wetlands
Animals Australia supporters ensure the terrible suffering caused by duck shooting is brought to the attention of Victoria’s decision-makers. Our supporters join rescuers on the wetlands to tend to waterbirds who are shot, maimed, and left for dead.

Wildlife Victoria
Ukraine emergency response
As war devastates Ukraine, our team at the Romania/Ukraine border help those fleeing with companion animals with food, supplies, and appropriate veterinary paperwork. Our emergency grants support food supply convoys to animal shelters in ‘red zones’, assist brave teams rescuing stranded companion animals and help evacuate a lion and wolf from a zoo.

Emergency flood response in NSW
Generosity from our donors helps our emergency grants program to fund vet clinics, ensuring the community can access emergency support for animals in need in the aftermath of the flooding crisis. Our grants also support the team at Vets for Compassion to assist many of the animals who survived the floods but became stranded.

Vets for Compassion
Rescue and release of wildlife in Mongolia
Supporters of Animals Australia's Emergency Grants Program made the incredible rescue, care and release of three orphaned bears possible. Helping these bears not only ensured their second chance at a free life in the Mongolian wilderness, but also strengthened the in-country response for any future wildlife emergencies through the training provided to local vets and wildlife rangers.

Hamid Sardar
An end date on cruel battery cages
Public pressure, including over 160,000 individual submissions made during the Poultry Code consultation period, resulted in the Australian Government finally announcing an end date on the cruellest farming device ever invented. We continue our work on the behalf of hens to free them much sooner than the announced phase-out period.

Australia's Labor Government pledges to end the live sheep trade
Labor’s election win in May 2022 marked a historic moment for animals, with the government publicly pledging to bring the live export of sheep to an end. Along with our community of dedicated supporters who have persevered to see animals spared from live export, we are working to see this election commitment passed into law as soon as possible.

Edgar's Mission
Tottie debuts in 'Be their Hero' campaign on TV screens across Australia
It's no secret that pigs and other farmed animals need more heroes. Our second major campaign of 2023 is showing the world how things could be for these clever and affectionate animals, when we choose to be guided by the inner hero that exists in us all. 'Be their hero' is inspiring people far and wide to live kindly, for Tottie, and for all animals just like her.

Powerful new TV campaign shines a light on pigs in factory farms
Our hard-hitting campaign, 'You didn't know, did you?' is giving caring consumers across the country reason to pause and question what they haven't been told about Australian 'pork' production practices, and why. The meat industry relies on consumers not knowing what 'life' is like for the millions of sensitive animals behind each product – understanding that if they knew, they'd make a kinder choice...

A voice for pigs on national TV
Following the shocking exposé of gas chamber slaughter of pigs in Australia by Farm Transparency Project, Animals Australia's Legal Counsel gave a voice to pigs on ABC 7.30, made regulatory complaints with the relevant authorities, and joined calls for a national inquiry into the 'gassing of pigs which, despite being 'standard practice', does not meet basic slaughter standards in Australia.

Helping animals in times of crisis
Our Emergency Grants Program assisted animals left trapped, stranded and exhausted in the aftermath of the devastating Kherson flood in southern Ukraine by supporting the courageous team at Pegasus Shelter. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, our Emergency Grants Program provides support to brave caregivers on the ground during disasters across the globe – when help, and hope, is needed most.

Pegasus Shelter Dnipro
Exposing the risks factory farming also poses to humans
A ground-breaking, two-year study commissioned by Animals Australia confirms that antibiotic-resistant bacteria are being produced as an inherent by-product of factory farming in Australia – and are making their way into the food chain, through meat sold in four major Australian supermarkets.

Farm Transparency Project
Ending live sheep exports by sea
It’s taken dozens of investigations, irrefutable evidence of animal cruelty, high-profile media exposés, and hundreds of thousands of Australians calling for change to bring us to this moment: a landmark vote in the Federal Parliament to ban live sheep export. This vote signals the beginning of the end of an industry that has caused immense animal suffering.

Representing pigs in the Supreme Court
After disturbing footage was captured of the suffering pigs are forced to endure in carbon dioxide gassing systems in Australian slaughterhouses, we built a world-first case to challenge the legality of the cruel practice. We filed a proceeding in the Supreme Court of Victoria, and expect a trial date in the near future.

Farm Transparency Project