A baby chicken chick in the hands of an elderly male

How to leave a legacy of kindness.

Learn more about bequests, and how you can help create the future that all animals deserve.

A bequest is a compassionate gift that echoes beyond your lifetime.

Many of our incredible supporters choose to extend a lifetime commitment to all animals by including Animals Australia in their Will.

Every single day, millions of animals around the world endure suffering caused by cruel industry practices and outdated ways of thinking. We know this is not the future we want for animals, nor what they deserve. We know this is not sustainable. Together, we can do more.

When you share your resolve to stand up for the unseen, the unheard, and the forgotten through a gift in your Will, you join a dedicated community of caring people who believe we can create a kinder future for all. That is something you can be proud of.

This image contains content which some may find confronting

A black dog with an elderly man
A kangaroo's paw on the hand of a person

These gifts allow us to:

  • conduct groundbreaking investigations and campaigns, bringing more awareness to the issues affecting millions of animals
  • provide education and enlightenment to inspire behaviour change in large communities
  • challenge—and work towards ending—the cruelty inflicted on far too many animals
  • plan for the future with stability and confidence.

The choice to make a bequest is a very personal decision, and one that we would be honoured to support you through or discuss in detail.

To arrange a confidential conversation or request additional information about the process, please call our friendly team—toll-free—on 1800 888 584 or email bequests@animalsaustralia.org.

For more information, download our bequest information pack here.

How to leave a bequest for animals in your Will.

There are several ways of giving in your Will.

  • A residuary bequest is a percentage of your Estate – after all your other gifts, taxes and debts have been fulfilled.
  • A pecuniary bequest refers to nominating an exact sum of money.
  • A specific bequest involves gifting a very specific item, such as life insurance policy, property or house, or other personal effect.

Bequests of any kind are very welcome and deeply appreciated.

In line with our values, we advise you to consult with a solicitor or qualified legal practitioner before making any changes to your Will. The information on this page is not to be taken as legal advice.

If you would like to make a bequest to Animals Australia in your Will, we recommend you consider using the following suggested wording (which should be discussed further with your solicitor or Estate planner):

I give and bequeath to Animals Australia Federation (ACN 617 080 387) for the use and purpose of Animals Australia Federation (the percentage of X) OR (the sum of X dollars) free of all death duties, and the receipt of the CEO or other proper officer of Animals Australia shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors for this legacy.

Of course, you may also wish to express the bequest in terms of a percentage or portion of the Estate remaining after necessary expenses.

Our details are as follows:

  • ACN – 617 080 387
  • ABN – 65 016 845 767
  • Legal entity – Animals Australia Federation
  • Physical address – 37 O’Connell St, North Melbourne VIC 3051

Create your Will online now, for free.

Animals Australia has a partnership with Gathered Here – a trusted resource where you can create a Will for free.  Ensure that the legacy you leave can create a kinder future for animals.

Create your Will online now for free

This image contains content which some may find confronting

A sheep with a hand scratching it's chin while other sheep are grazing

An inspiring commitment to a kind future.

Hear from passionate animal carers and advocates—just like you—whose incredible generosity will inspire kindness for the future.

Grace Pavone made the empowering decision to leave a gift in Will to Animals Australia in 2013.

“My decision is one I am proud and honoured to have made.”

Animals Australia work tirelessly to defend and protect voiceless animals of all species and sizes, especially farmed animals.

“This work is carried out by teams of amazing people, both on the field and behind the scenes, who see the horrors, but have also achieved significant positive change for animals. I am in awe of them.”

I’m confident that through my Gift, Animals Australia's work will continue and expand. My one voice will be one of millions to make one big voice for animals in need.
Supporter Grace with her companion dog, Harley.
Grace Pavone
On leaving a gift in Will to Animals Australia