Cute animal pictures are good for your brain: SCIENCE.

Photo by Candice Sedighan Photography

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated August 8, 2014

If you’ve ever used Google for work or study purposes, you’ve no doubt been sucked into the never-ending abyss of adorable/hilarious images of our animal friends instead. (Haven’t tried it yet? Get on board).

But there may be hope for your productivity yet — a study has revealed that looking at cute animals may actually improve your concentration! We can hear your high-fiving from here.

So, with that in mind, we thought we’d give you a little help with your research/study/work/life. Here are a few of our favourite pics that we hope will not only warm your heart — but may also help you concentrate on what you need to get done today.

(You’re welcome.)

1. These eyelashes

Helen is a blind cow rescued by Freedom Hill Sanctuary. She loves to smell faces, and cuddle. Follow her journey here.

Portrait of a white calf looking towards camera

2. These ears

Millie the rescued greyhound is known as ‘Sydney’s first bionic dog‘ — she has found a loving forever home thanks to Greyhound Rescue. Follow Millie’s journey here.

A vet holding a dog with bandaged legs

3. This face

This affectionate little owl was cared for and rehabilitated by Bohollow Wildlife Shelter.

Closeup of a cute looking owl who is loving to be patted by a hand

4. This wardrobe malfunction

Leon Trotsky is a lucky piglet who shot to fame after being surrendered to Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary with a broken pelvis. Follow Leon’s journey here.

Sanctuary worker holding a cute piglet
Image credit: Edgar's Mission Farm Sanctuary

5. These best friends

Frankie and Lulu have adapted to the creature comforts after both being rescued from factory farms by Brightside Farm Sanctuary.

A cute kitten sitting on the head of a sleeping piglet
Image credit: Brightside Farm Sanctuary

6. These little chicks and their new carer

These baby chicks were rescued by a caring photographer, Candice, whose senior dog Champ was more than happy to take them under his ‘wing’.

a golden retiver dog laying down on grass and surrounded by chicken chicks

7. These tiny, tiny legs

Harrison was rescued from a stock yard by Freedom Hill Sanctuary.

A cute goat kid looking towards camera
Image credit: Freedom Hill Sanctuary

8. These lips. And ears. And face. And jumper.

Elsa was rescued from a freezing paddock by a kind stranger. She is now thriving at Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary.

A cute little lamb earing a vest sitting comfortably at Edgar's Mission
Image credit: Edgar's Mission Farm Sanctuary

9. This hug

A hen’s embrace means warmth, protection — and life — to her baby chicks. Chickens make great mums! Learn more about the secret lives of these clever and affectionate animals.

A cute chick sitting comfortably under the wings of his mother chicken

Are you concentrating yet?

No? Okay. Time to bring out the big guns. We can’t guarantee that watching this video will help make your brain any sharper — but it will make your heart warmer!