Pledge to be dairy-free!

1,406  signatures and counting.

Make a powerful change for mother cows and their calves

By choosing to go dairy-free, you will help to spare these gentle and sensitive animals from cruel industry practices such as mother-calf separation and the killing of 'bobby calves'.

A cow kissing another cow with blue sky background

Make a powerful change for mother cows and their calves

By choosing to go dairy-free, you will help to spare these gentle and sensitive animals from cruel industry practices such as mother-calf separation and the killing of 'bobby calves'.

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated June 18, 2024

It is the dairy industry’s best kept secret… Each year, hundreds of thousands of ‘bobby calves’ are killed at just a few days old — just so humans can drink their mothers’ milk.

Many people are surprised to learn that dairy cows are kept almost continually pregnant, only to have their calves removed and milk taken for human consumption.

Considered ‘waste products’ of the dairy industry, many male calves are killed in their first few days of life. Some female calves are raised to replace the mothers who are sent to slaughter as their exhausted bodies slow in producing milk, and dairy’s cycle of suffering continues

What you never knew about dairy...

You can stand up against the cruelty of the dairy industry by pledging to go dairy-free, opting instead for readily available alternatives that are kinder to cows and calves.

What else can you do to help cows and calves?

This pledge plays a vital role — but you can have an even greater impact for animals today. Here’s how:

  • Bring kindness into the kitchen by ordering your free Veg Starter Kit today – it’s full of nutrition tips, animal-friendly grocery items and tasty recipes!
  • Share this moving video of Petal the rescued cow, who, after ten years in the dairy industry, is finally able to get to know her calf, Little Flower.
  • Try these tips for deliciously dairy-free cooking and baking – and by sharing your tasty, animal-friendly creations with others, you can inspire more people to eat more kindly.