A young rescued wombat snuggled into a fur coat donated through Snuggle Coats.

Snuggle Coats is bringing fur back… to the animals!

Do you have furs to donate? Snuggle Coats turned the cruelty of fur on its head by donating old fur garments to wildlife carers to help comfort animals in need.

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated August 11, 2016

UPDATE: Please note, Snuggle Coats has stopped accepting fur donations for the time being. We can’t thank Snuggle Coats enough for the warmth this kind initiative has spread so far to animals (and hearts) across Australia.

If you would like to donate fur clothing to help animals in need, please reach out to local animal shelters or rescue groups to see if the animals in their care could make use of these donations.

We all know cruelty is not a good look. So what to do with the fur coat we’ve had since long before a glimpse inside fur farms made us realise that dead animals are not a fashion statement?

Snuggle Coats found the kindest solution: collecting the unwanted fur garments hidden away in the backs of closets and donating them to wildlife rescues to comfort the animals in their care – turning something tragic into something heartwarming.

Please enjoy the following rescued animals whose lives were made a little comfier after nestling into some Snuggle Coats furs…

A baby Tasmanian devil sleeps cuddled into donated fur.
Image credit: North-West Tasmania Wildlife Rescue Group

Cedric lost his mum and siblings when they were hit by a car, but found some comfort in a ‘Snuggle Coat’ donated by a caring member of the public. Thanks to the North-West Tasmania Wildlife Rescue group in conjunction with the Save the Devil teams, he was successfully released back into a safe area.

Two images side by side of a very young kangaroo joey snuggled into donated fur garments.
Image credit: Amy / facebook

This is what wildlife carer Amy had to say about King, an Agile Wallaby joey in her care: “He is suitably named as, at just 490 grams, he sits up like a king right before feed time and almost demands his milk! He is a little character and a true joy to be raising. The first thing he did when coming into contact with a fur was to bury his head and curl up … instant comfort and security, really beautiful to see.”

A rescued bat snuggled into a donated fur item organised by Snuggle Coats.
Image credit: Sarah Thorpe

A young flying fox nestles in a Snuggle Coats fur at Tolga Bat Hospital.

A young koala with their donated fur garment for comfort.
Image credit: Southern Ash Wildlife Shelter

Sunny the orphaned koala from Southern Ash Wildlife Shelter.

A baby possum sleeping soundly on their back in a donated fur garment.
Image credit: ACT Wildlife

Barney the blissed-out brushtail possum at ACT Wildlife is comforted by a donated fur (while he waits for his own coat to grow!).

A young rescued wombat snuggled into a fur coat donated through Snuggle Coats.
Image credit: Liz Miles

Anzac, a four month old wombat putting the ‘snuggle’ in Snuggle Coats at Wombat Ridge Wildlife Shelter.

Fur belongs to animals.

Comforting rescued wildlife is easily our second favourite way to see fur. The first is on its original owner – animals.

Sadly, millions of animals – including minks, rabbits, foxes, possums and raccoons – are still kept in appalling conditions in fur factory farms. They are forced to live in small wire cages where they’re unable to express their natural behaviours, which leads to chronic boredom and stress. After a miserable life of deprivation, they are then electrocuted or gassed for their furs with some even beaten to death or skinned alive.

All for the sake of what some people call ‘fashion’.

Thanks to the kind-hearted initiative of Snuggle Coats, the opportunity is before us to try and make amends for the mistakes of the past, and move towards a kinder world. Do you have items made from animal fur to donate? Please reach out to animal rescues and wildlife carers in your area and see if the animals in their care are in need of your donation.

Here are more ways you can help today: