Help cut puppy factory cruelty out of pet shops!

Urge your state leader to take a stand against puppy factories

Call on your state leader to follow Victoria's lead on puppy factory action — by ending the sale of commercially bred dogs and cats in pet shops.

A sad puppy peering through the wire of a cage in a puppy farm.

Urge your state leader to take a stand against puppy factories

Call on your state leader to follow Victoria's lead on puppy factory action — by ending the sale of commercially bred dogs and cats in pet shops.

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated October 3, 2024

She was kept confined in one of Australia’s worst puppy factories, churning out puppies for sale…

A sad looking dog in puppy factory looking at the camera through a gap in the concrete and wire enclosure.

Thankfully, in Victoria, the state government set a huge precedent for dogs like her, by pledging to stop puppy farmers selling their ‘products’ in pet shops.

Across Australia, ‘breeding’ dogs are still being kept in miserable conditions in puppy factoriesand denied everything that makes a dog’s life worth living — all to produce a constant supply of puppies for sale in pet shops or online. Puppy farmers often conveniently sell through these channels to keep the suffering of parent dogs hidden.

Australians are understandably determined to see real action on this issue — and, at least in Victoria, politicians are listening.

As the 2014 Victorian election approached, thousands of members of the public stood with Animals Australia, Oscar’s Law and RSPCA Victoria to lobby state MPs in support of puppy factory reform. And, in an Australian first, the Victorian Government banned the sale of dogs and cats in pet shops — only allowing stores to facilitate adoptions through rescue groups.

This historic decision strikes at the heart of puppy factories’ cruel business model, and sets a major precedent for other Australian states.

Help end cruel puppy farming

Curbing the indiscriminate trade of dogs and cats in pet shops will also help address our country’s companion animal overpopulation crisis, which sees countless animals ending up in shelters each year and thousands killed simply because there aren’t enough homes to go around.

Urge your premier to follow Victoria’s lead on puppy factory action — by ending the sale of commercially bred dogs and cats in pet shops.

Help put an end to puppy factory cruelty

Animals Australia
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