Animals Australia's zoo rescue featured on A Current Affair
The victims of Australia's live export trade led us to Jordan. But it was the suffering of a Syrian bear who first opened our eyes to the plight of animals in the country's zoos.
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The victims of Australia's live export trade led us to Jordan. But it was the suffering of a Syrian bear who first opened our eyes to the plight of animals in the country's zoos.
From a life of captivity to a life worth living... how a unique collaboration is transforming the lives of animals in Jordan's zoos.
Today marks a historic win in the almighty battle to save animals from live export cruelty. Emanuel exports Australia's biggest live sheep exporter is stripped of its licence to operate.
The Secretary of the Federal Department of Agriculture is responsible for ensuring that the health and welfare needs of animals will be met and maintained throughout the live export voyage, and that regulations will be adhered to. Unless the Secretary…
On the basis of cruelty, the risk to public health and to the island's reputation as a tourist destination, Bali's Governor has issued a Decree that the dog meat trade will end.
For the first time ever, top authorities in Bali have come together to address the dog meat trade. And their message of hope for Bali's dogs was resounding.
An Animals Australia investigation into the Bali dog meat trade shocked tourists -- but also revealed what 'meat' means for other animals in Bali.
The dog meat trade in Bali not only sees dogs suffer terrible pain-ridden deaths, it also put the health of both locals and tourists in Bali at risk.
Our investigations into live export cruelty are inspiring people from one side of the globe to the other to take action for the animals.
World-first footage revealing the final moments of animals in Europe’s live export trade has sparked headlines around the world and inspired 1,000,000+ caring people to take urgent action. Images from our landmark eight-month investigation are reaching millions of people. For…
170,000 calves and sheep in Romania who will be spared a treacherous journey and cruellest of fates.
Live animal export is dangerous for people and devastating for the environment.
Whilst political change for animals might not happen as quickly as we'd like, we needn't wait another minute to 'cast our vote' for a kinder world for animals.
We may not yet have an election result but one thing we do know for sure is that hundreds of thousands of Aussies united to keep animals centre-stage of the second longest election campaign in Australian history.
The government knew that animals were being sledgehammered in Vietnam. Yet they continued to allow Australian cattle to be exported there...
A big win for Australian greyhounds- No Aussie greyhounds have been sent to Macau's cruel Canidrome since our investigation was made public.
For the first time, an Australian organisation has been selected as a "standout charity" by U.S.-based Animal Charity Evaluators! Animals Australia has been awarded this evaluation in recognition of our efforts to improve the lives of animals; both at home,…
There is a fundamental conflict between the Ministerial office of Agriculture and that of Animal Welfare. The same person should not be expected -- or permitted -- to be in control of these contrary positions. But that's exactly the sticky…
State governments around Australia are sinking millions of dollars into propping up a ruthless greyhound betting industry — with horrific consequences for animals and people.
Animals Australia is delighted to congratulate our Campaign Director, Lyn White, on the honour of being appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) on the 2014 Queen' Birthday Honours List.