Vote for animals every day.

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated July 4, 2016

Whilst political change for animals might not happen as quickly as we’d like, we needn’t wait another minute to ‘cast our vote’ for a kinder world for animals.

Your vote remains incredibly powerful — and every day is another opportunity to use it.

A cute chicken chick under the wings of their mother.

A vote today to walk past the cage eggs in the supermarket can save a hen from a life of misery in a battery cage.

Two cute piglets sleeping

A vote against factory-farmed products will bring pigs confined in crates so small they cannot turn around, one important step closer to freedom.

A dog loving it to be hugged by the man

A vote to bypass the pet shop and adopt your next four-legged family member from an animal shelter will give a loving cat or dog a second chance.

Closeup of a dairy calf from the pen+

A vote to treat yourself to dairy-free chocolate, yoghurt and ice creams will help save a bobby calf from a trip to the slaughterhouse at only a few days old.

A very cute lamb singing while standing on the green grass

A vote to reduce or replace the animal products in your shopping trolley next week could save lives and help save the planet.

Little girl sitting with a sheep and petting her
Image credit: Freedom Hill Sanctuary

A vote to teach kindness to children will pay dividends for generations.

A cute cow calf sitting on the ground

And a vote to stay the course with us and be a voice for animals will speed the day when all creatures are afforded the respect and compassion they so deserve.

Thank you for voting every day for a kinder world for everyone!