Pledge to leave pigs off your plate, for pigs like Henry!

Help spare mother pigs and their piglets from an unnatural, short life in a factory farm

Pigs deserve a life of freedom and a life where they can be valued for who they are – sensitive and social individuals – instead of only being seen as commodities in a food system.  

Baby Henry sleeping alongside Pearl, a fellow rescued piglet, in a fluffy, blue blanket.

Help spare mother pigs and their piglets from an unnatural, short life in a factory farm

Pigs deserve a life of freedom and a life where they can be valued for who they are – sensitive and social individuals – instead of only being seen as commodities in a food system.  

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated November 17, 2022

Henry almost didn’t survive – but kindness changed his destiny

Henry’s mum gave birth to him in a farrowing crate. At just a few days old, he was pressed in the corner of the barren cage, sick and dying, out of reach of his mother. Her maternal instincts were overwhelming, and she wanted to tend to her baby – but she could barely move or turn around.

This little piglet’s life was fated to be short and brutal – and sadly, considered nothing more than another ‘acceptable loss’ for Australia’s ‘pork’ industry. It would begin and end in a bleak factory farm, where he’d never see daylight or feel affection.  

But one kind soul took action, and changed Henry’s world.  

Emma scooped up the shivering, sick piglet and took him to a sanctuary where he would be safe and cared for. Of the 4.8 million piglets born into farrowing crates in Australian factory farms every year, Henry was given the rare chance of a life worth living a life of freedom from suffering and slaughter.

Henry, now grown up, sleeps with fellow rescued pigs on soft hay, in safety at an animal rescue sanctuary.
Henry was rescued from a factory farm and raised at Brightside Farm Sanctuary in Tasmania. Along with his best friend, Ivan the piglet, Henry was able to roam on fresh grass and sleep safely in a barn on soft straw.

Henry formed strong friendships at the sanctuary and opened the hearts and minds of many who got to visit him or hear his story. While deeply saddened to hear of Henry’s passing in late 2022, we also felt a deep sense of gratitude and joy. Henry was able to live out his natural lifespan, touching the grass, feeling sunshine, and being loved and cared for; our greatest wish for all animals who share this planet.


A kinder world for pigs is possible

More than 90% of pig farms in Australia use farrowing crates to confine pregnant and nursing mother pigs. For up to six weeks at a time, a mother pig can barely move.

In a natural environment, Henry’s mum would have carefully built a soft nest of straw and grass for him and his siblings. She would sing to them at mealtime, and at night, mum and babies would sleep nose-to-nose to bond. She would have been able to properly nurture and tend to Henry when he was tiny and sick.

But Emma could not save Henry’s mum or his siblings. Like most pigs raised for their meat in Australia, they would be sent to slaughter without ever basking in the sun or enjoying a soft bed of hay. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be this way…

Mother pigs, in a natural environment, would build nests for their young. Factory farms with farrowing crates are not ‘maternity wards’ – they are harsh and unforgiving intensive farming systems designed to maximise profits. 

You can help spare pigs from factory farm cruelty. Your everyday choices can help animals have the life they so deserve – a life like Henry was lucky to have.  

Our work will continue to shine a national spotlight on the cruel confinement of pigs in cages, and through simple, kind choices, you can help set them free, starting today.

Pledge to leave pigs off your plate!

Animals Australia
All animals deserve to be seen as someone, and not something. Thankfully, Henry's story has a happy ending. But there are many millions of pigs still suffering in factory farms across Australia – you can help shape a kinder future for them by choosing to eat kindly.
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