WATCH: A Deep Dive into Chicken Meat Production
What is 'life' really like for chickens raised for meat? Keep watching to find out...
30 September 2020
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What is 'life' really like for chickens raised for meat? Keep watching to find out...
30 September 2020
Could our appetite for meat be costing the planet? Keep watching to find out...
30 September 2020
How exactly are diseases like COVID-19 linked to the way we treat animals? Keep watching to find out...
21 September 2020
There is a strong case that the way we confine and slaughter farmed and wild animals is a major factor in the rise and spread of new diseases on a global scale.
5 May 2020
The difference in the way farmed animal survivors are treated says everything about a system that denies them any value beyond how much money they're worth.
17 February 2020
When it comes to live export, it's not often we get to hear a good news story... here's one of them.
13 February 2020
What contributes almost as much to greenhouse gas emissions as all the world's planes, trains and automobiles combined?
17 October 2018
To animal industries, the ability to have babies is a valuable commodity. As a result, mothers of many species suffer physical and psychological stress that is kept hidden from the view of caring consumers.
16 November 2017
It's not just farmed animals suffering because of the meat industry.
21 September 2017
Prawns in prawn farms are having their eyes sliced open or cut off in almost all prawn farms around the world.
28 August 2017
An Animals Australia investigation into the Bali dog meat trade shocked tourists -- but also revealed what 'meat' means for other animals in Bali.
19 June 2017
The dog meat trade in Bali not only sees dogs suffer terrible pain-ridden deaths, it also put the health of both locals and tourists in Bali at risk.
19 June 2017
A system failure so bad it is ringing alarm bells for the meat industry.
23 November 2016
Do you know what's really being marketed in the chiller section of the grocery store? (Spoiler: May contain petrochemical dyes and cause severe asthma attacks.)
1 November 2016
Live animal export is dangerous for people and devastating for the environment.
13 October 2016
Whistle-blowing live export vet, Dr Lynn Simpson, pulls no punches in a brutally honest series of exposés that are catching attention worldwide — detailing the daily reality of 'life' on-board live export ships.
15 September 2016
This first ever look inside an Australian hatchery shows the routine horrors of egg farming. See for yourself.
19 July 2016
Proof that pigs belong in our hearts -- not our bellies.
8 November 2015
They are among the most vulnerable of all farmed animals: baby chicks. And you won't believe what happens to them inside the walls of the world's 'mega hatcheries'.
28 October 2015
In an effort to 'milk' animals for every last dollar, the dairy industry has found a way to take advantage of live export rules.
24 September 2015