Two sheep in a grassy field touch their heads together affectionately.

The secret lives of sheep.

These five facts about sheep might change the way you think about them.

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated December 8, 2021

If everyone had the opportunity to get to know just how affectionate and gentle these animals are, the world might be a much nicer place for sheep…

Sheep — like so many animals farmed for their meat and fibre — are often only ‘valued’ as commodities, not as the individuals they are. Sadly, most people will never get to know a sheep as a loved pet or companion, and so will never understand just how affectionate and loving these animals are, each with individual personalities.

Here are five facts about sheep we wish everyone knew:

Few people are lucky enough to love — and be loved by — a sheep.

1. Sheep adore human company… if they’re treated kindly.

Sheep are innately social animals (like us!). And when they are fortunate enough to know human kindness, they will enthusiastically receive pats, scratches and cuddles from their two-legged companions, and actively seek human company and affection when they have known safety and love.

A sweet sheep in a field at golden hour.

2. Sheep have great memories

Sheep can recognise at least 50 individuals’ faces and remember them for years. They can also tell if other sheep (and humans) are happy, or sad, stressed or calm by reading facial expressions!

Two sheep in a grassy field touch their heads together affectionately.
Image credit: Edgar's Mission

3. Sheep have best friends

Sheep have unique personalities and some get along better than others — just like we do. Not only will a sheep form special friendships with other individuals, researchers believe she may even spend time thinking about her friends when they’re not around.

Two white lambs are bouncing in the air joyfully. They are in a paddock surrounded by lush green grass.

4. Sheep are playful

Lambs love leaping, head-butting and running around with friends. Much like the ‘play-bow’ dogs use, lambs have their own special signal when they want to have fun. They’ll kick their back legs in the air as if to say “let’s play!”

Two sheep looking at camera with heads resting on a bale of hay
Image credit: The Lamb Clan

5. Sheep are clever

Like dogs, sheep can learn their own name and even do tricks. Australian researchers have discovered sheep can solve mazes, and get quicker at doing so the more they practice. Amazingly, a flock of sheep in the UK even figured out how to cross a hoof-proof grid by rolling over it to reach tastier grass on the other side!

[A] study showed that ewes fall in love with rams, have best friends and feel desolate when those close to them die or are sent for slaughter.
Jonathan Leake
Science Editor

Sheep need your help!

Sheep are still suffering in Australia’s live export trade. The Albanese government will soon determine how and when cruel live sheep exports will end — but are yet to announce a date. Please speak out today to urge decision-makers to legislate the date to end live sheep export for good. Join thousands of caring people who are speaking out for these gentle, affectionate animals here.

Close up of sheep looking at camera through bars of a truck