11 documentaries to nourish your heart and mind
Love a documentary that opens your eyes and expands your mind? These are definitely for you ...
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Love a documentary that opens your eyes and expands your mind? These are definitely for you ...
While the recent bushfires resulted in an unprecedented loss of animal lives, the outpouring of concern, distress and generosity we witnessed from across the world so clearly reinforced to us that animals matter to people — they matter deeply.
The difference in the way farmed animal survivors are treated says everything about a system that denies them any value beyond how much money they're worth.
When it comes to live export, it's not often we get to hear a good news story... here's one of them.
While you're doing your best to live a compassionate, responsible life by making ethical choices and purchases, your bank could be using the rest of your savings, undermining all your best efforts.
Water for Wildlife is a community-based initiative to assist native species in Australia who are being severely impacted by bushfires, heat waves and drought.
They've survived the fires... but for many native animals, their homes and sources of food have been destroyed.
Thanks to thousands of Animals Australia supporters taking action, NAB has announced an animal welfare policy: a first for the Big Four banks.
Because a more sustainable world is a kinder one. Last month, more than 350,000 Aussies — along with millions of other people around the world, spanning all walks of life, cultures, generations, and a whopping 185 countries — took to…
2.5 million Australians are now eating all or almost all vegetarian.
It's time to consider the broader societal impact of industries that foster an acceptance of animal suffering...
Love a documentary that opens your eyes and expands your mind? These are definitely for you ...
The victims of Australia's live export trade led us to Jordan. But it was the suffering of a Syrian bear who first opened our eyes to the plight of animals in the country's zoos.
Germany is on track to become the FIRST country to stop grinding up the millions of live baby chicks considered 'waste' by the worldwide egg industry.
Eating egg-free is not only the kind choice for hens and chicks, it's super easy and delicious. These 7 recipes prove that there's nothing you can't do without eggs.
What contributes almost as much to greenhouse gas emissions as all the world's planes, trains and automobiles combined?
What began as a basic love for animals led Ian to find a passion for rescuing roos and other beloved Aussie natives.
It might seem an odd choice to vegetarians and vegans, but this is a huge step for animals.
Australia's historic fight to protect whales from 'scientific' slaughter by Japan reflects our society's changed values. So what does it say about our continued involvement in the cruelty of live export?
Retailers are doing their best to entice us with all things bunny-related. And while chocolate rabbits may be a more common sight, sadly there is still a trend of gifting real-life 'Easter' bunnies.