Help end jumps racing carnage
Jumps racing is up to 20 times more dangerous to horses than flat racing. Take action now and help spare them from facing injury and death for the sake of racing 'entertainment'.
Jumps racing is up to 20 times more dangerous to horses than flat racing. Take action now and help spare them from facing injury and death for the sake of racing 'entertainment'.
Urge Labor to keep their promise to end live sheep export, and call for an end to cruel practices from a slaughterhouse approved by the Australian Government’s live export scheme.
A live animal is not a sack of potatoes. He breathes. He thinks. He can suffer. But to the live animal export trade, his suffering is just a cost of doing business.
When animals who live trapped among towers of rotting excrement have a better quality of life than those still 'in the system' — the question must be asked: how is this system still legal?
Please help us protect animals—including cattle, sheep and goats—from the cruelty of live export by signing this petition to the Prime Minister of Australia.
The circus is no place for any animal. Please help to create a better future those trapped in the circus 'entertainment' industry by pledging never to support animal circuses.
By choosing to go dairy-free, you will spare calves from slaughter, and their mothers the pain of having their babies taken away.
A life of confinement deprives animals of exploring their rich natural environment and the freedom to express their natural behaviours. Take the pledge today to help end marine animal suffering.
Mulesing, castration and tail docking are routinely carried out without any pain relief - urge the Australian wool industry to enforce proper training and make pain relief mandatory to spare sheep from suffering.
Investigations have revealed widespread puppy factory cruelty in Australia. Discover the truth, and what you can do to help.