Help make history for animals
The end of live sheep export is near. But until the last sheep leaves our shores, our work is not done. Donate to help bring this – and more historic victories for animals – home.
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How to download your printable gift certificate
You can download a copy of your gift certificate right here, simply by clicking below. Once you’ve downloaded a copy, you’ll be able to print it out whenever you like.
We’ve also sent a copy of the certificate to the email address you supplied if you have chosen to share it via email. Thanks again for your role in spreading kindness!
You’re the reason we can look to the future filled with hope.
Your contribution will fund initiatives that save countless animal lives and end cruelty. You’re the difference for an egg-laying hen who might never see the light of day; a calf ripped away from his mother after seconds on a dairy farm; a sheep awaiting the horrible fate of live export. Although they can’t thank you, we can’t thank you enough.
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Donating $100 or more from outside of Australia? Please read ourDonor Charterhere.