A days old lamb sitting on the dirty floor of live export ship Awassi Express.

Make a submission to support the Bill to end live sheep exports by sea.

Submissions close Tuesday the 11th of June 2024. Please make an urgent submission today.

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated June 6, 2024

It’s official – the live export of sheep by sea will be phased out!

Every call made, rally attended, email sent, and petition signed got the Bill to end live sheep export in front of Australian politicians. And after hours of debate, it was decision-makers in the Senate who cast the final vote to get this historic piece of legislation over the line. The live export of sheep by sea will end by 1 May 2028. While our work is not done until no animal is forced onto a live export ship, this is a monumental step forward for sheep, and for all animals. Please send decision-makers a note of thanks for their kind decision.

Help ensure that the victims of live export – the sheep – are kept front of mind during this Parliamentary Inquiry process. There are only a few days to speak up on their behalf and support the Bill to end the cruel trade.

After decades of our investigations, exposés, and tireless political lobbying, the Albanese government announced that live sheep export by sea will end on 1 May 2028. Now, the legislation has been introduced, and is expected to be debated and voted on in July.

Over the coming days, submissions are being accepted as part of this government process. As is to be expected, the live export industry is fighting back against the phase-out, and trying to shift the focus away from the animals who pay the ultimate price.

It is imperative that the unavoidable suffering of sheep who are exported alive remains the focus during this stage of the process. By making a submission to the Inquiry into Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024, you can help ensure the sheep, and the views of most caring Australians, are represented.

In this guide you will find:

How to make your submission

Submissions close this coming Tuesday the 11th of June.

  • If you are happy for your name and/or document to be published on the inquiry webpage, you can head straight to the form below to make a submission now. You can also email your submission directly to: Agriculture.reps@aph.gov.au
  • If you would like to request confidentiality of your name and/or document, you can do so through the government submissions portal:
    • For this option, you’ll need to type up and save your submission letter on your computer (using a program like Word or Pages).
    • Then, head to the government inquiry page: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/House/Agriculture/LiveSheepExportsBill
      • If this is your first time submitting online to an inquiry you will need to create a My Parliament login.
      • If you have a user account with the parliament you can log into that account.
    • Click the ‘Upload submission’ button on the right.
    • The inquiry ‘Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024’ should already be selected, click ‘Next’ at the bottom of the page.
    • On the page titled ‘Make a submission’, point (1) should include the inquiry name ‘Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024’. For (2), select ‘personal’ or ‘organisation’ and complete the requested details.
    • Point (3) is where you can select your preferred level of confidentiality.
    • Point (4) is where you can attach your document.
    • Hit the ‘Submit’ button.

If you would like help to make your submission please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Supporter Services team on 03 9329 6333 or email enquiries@animalsaustralia.org

In your own words tell the Inquiry that you support the Bill to phase out live sheep export. Remind them that sheep suffer at every stage of the journey. And that most Australians want this trade to end.

 letters have been sent.
Animals Australia
* Indicates required field.

This action is for residents of Australia, but you can still help sheep by contacting Prime Minister Anthony Albanese here. Thank you for wanting to protect animals from cruelty!

The Prime Minister’s email address is no longer monitored, but you can still contact Prime Minister Anthony Albanese here. Thank you for wanting to protect animals from cruelty!

By completing this action, you give permission for Animals Australia to contact you. You can unsubscribe from updates at any time.


Your details are safe, refer to our privacy policy

* Indicates required field.

Please add a subject line, and consider editing in your own words. Personalised letters have a greater impact for animals.

Your representative is:

the Committee
Dear Committee,


You’re almost ready to help make a difference!

To maximise the impact of your letter, you should send it from your own email program.

    1. Click "Prepare my email message" below.
    2. You will be redirected to your own email program, where a new email draft will be pre-populated.
    3. You will have the opportunity to edit the email and personalise it to give it more impact if you wish. Otherwise, just press "SEND" through your email program.

That’s it! With those simple steps, you can ensure your voice is heard in the call for valuable, meaningful change. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s call for kindness, now.

You’re ready to take action!

Ready to help us make important, meaningful change? Send your message now and add your voice to the call for kindness.


Thank you !

Your submission has been sent along with the other submissions.


Did your email program open with your pre-populated letter? If so, that’s great! If not, you can copy it below and paste it into your preferred email program to send.
Help us spread the word and encourage others to take action to end animal cruelty by sharing it on social media.

Points to guide your submission

Your submission does not need to be lengthy or technical. You may use the following points to guide your submission if you wish. Please rewrite points in your own words as personalised submissions will be much more powerful for sheep.

  • Share your personal view about the live export of sheep by sea.
  • Make it clear that you support the government’s Bill to phase out live sheep exports.
  • The phase-out of live sheep export delivers on a government commitment supported by the majority of Australians. 
  • Australian export laws should reflect the values of the Australian community. Over 78% of Australians support an end to the export of live sheep to the Middle East.
  • The generous financial assistance package being provided to farmers affected by the phase-out is supported.
  • This policy to end the trade is based on decades of evidence that live sheep export is inherently cruel.
  • Contrary to industry claims, the trade has not been “fixed.” Independent Observer data confirms sheep continue to suffer prolonged heat stress on voyages to the Middle East.
  • Sheep suffer at every stage of the journey, at sea and in importing countries where they face fully conscious slaughter.
  • You may like to mention that when this trade started, there was a very different understanding of animal sentience. The live trade does not accord with community expectations for how animals should be treated today.
  • The industry needs to move with the times to create a more humane and sustainable future that respects animal welfare and protects Australia’s international reputation.
A sheep dying on the floor of a live export ship and dying of heat stress.
A sheep covered in mud and melted faeces lying on the filthy floor of a live export ship.

Above are the faces of just some of millions of animals who have suffered at the hands of this ruthless industry. Live exporters have operated for too long behind a PR shield of ‘influencing better animal welfare standards’ globally, when investigation after investigation has reinforced that Australia’s live export industry has instead entrenched and normalised animal cruelty by supplying animals regardless of how they were being treated.

Thank you for taking the time to get this over the line for sheep

Every caring Australian who has rallied in the streets, lobbied decision-makers, or been a voice for these animals has brought us to this point in ending the trade. Because of you, we are so close to getting this over the line.

Thank you for making your submission and lending your voice to sheep.