Live export industry finally concedes that cooking sheep alive is not ok
It's only taken them decades.
It's only taken them decades.
From a life of captivity to a life worth living... how a unique collaboration is transforming the lives of animals in Jordan's zoos.
Germany is on track to become the FIRST country to stop grinding up the millions of live baby chicks considered 'waste' by the worldwide egg industry.
Eating egg-free is not only the kind choice for hens and chicks, it's super easy and delicious. These 7 recipes prove that there's nothing you can't do without eggs.
KLLT – a company responsible for shocking animal cruelty and deaths of over 1.5 million sheep – has been given an export licence. Your voice can help stop this cruelty.
What contributes almost as much to greenhouse gas emissions as all the world's planes, trains and automobiles combined?
What began as a basic love for animals led Ian to find a passion for rescuing roos and other beloved Aussie natives.
Today marks a historic win in the almighty battle to save animals from live export cruelty. Emanuel exports Australia's biggest live sheep exporter is stripped of its licence to operate.
It might seem an odd choice to vegetarians and vegans, but this is a huge step for animals.
With YOUR help, their story will not be forgotten, their suffering no longer a secret. Help us get these ads on TV-- for them.