Pledge to never attend the rodeo.

23,823  signatures and counting.

Say ‘no’ to the rodeo to spare animals from suffering for ‘entertainment’

Forced into displaying fearful behaviour, animals used in rodeo events experience stress and physical pain ranging from abrasions to fractures or even death. You can help spare them from such unnecessary suffering by pledging to never attend the rodeo.

A young calf is being roughly handled by a competitor in a calf roping event – the calf has a scared expression with a rope around their neck as they are being flung high off the ground onto their side.

Say ‘no’ to the rodeo to spare animals from suffering for ‘entertainment’

Forced into displaying fearful behaviour, animals used in rodeo events experience stress and physical pain ranging from abrasions to fractures or even death. You can help spare them from such unnecessary suffering by pledging to never attend the rodeo.

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated February 16, 2023

The rodeo isn’t fun for the animals forced into it. Calves, steers, bulls and horses suffer psychological pain (distress) and physical pain which can range from abrasions and bruising to fractured and broken bones or even death.

Rodeos are unnatural, stressful and often harmful to animals (and humans), all for the sake of ‘entertainment’. The animals forced to participate in these events are sensitive and social individuals who are made to flee, buck and kick – and they only do so out of fear.

Are rodeos cruel? Watch the footage and decide for yourself.

The animals used in rodeo events would naturally live and feel safest in a herd. During events, they are separated, confined, and then provoked in front of a crowd to perform certain behaviours associated with their fear response.

As an example, to force horses and cattle to buck, a ‘flank strap’ is often used, which is a belt tightened around their lower abdomen. The presence of the tightened belt causes them to buck in discomfort, in an effort to remove the strap.

Perhaps the worst cruelty at rodeos is calf roping (also known as rope-and-tie), where frightened calves are chased by a person riding a horse, then brought to a jolting stop with a rope around their necks and wrestled to the ground.

A recent scientific study found high levels of fear and distress in calves at all stages of the calf roping event. Co-authored by RSPCA and the University of Sydney, video footage was used to analyse the experience of the calf.

Cattle are prey species, and they're very good at masking pain, or any signs of distress because it attracts predators... So when you see or hear signs such as bellowing, it's really indicating there's a significant problem happening.
Dr Di Evans, RSPCA senior scientific officer
ABC Western Plains, Jan 26 2023

This cruel ‘event’ has already been stopped in Victoria and South Australia, where a minimum weight rule has effectively banned the use of calves, but calves continue to suffer in other states across the country.

A terrified calf being jolted backwards by a rope around their neck during a calf-roping event.

Change their world by making kinder choices

Rodeo events are fast losing their social license because of the obvious cruelty that they cause animals. Join compassionate people across Australia, and the globe, who are saying ‘no’ to the rodeo and instead choosing kindness.

Say ‘no’ to the rodeo and shape a kinder world for animals!

23,823  signatures and counting.
Animals Australia
"I do not condone the use of animals in cruel, outdated spectator events, and I will never attend a rodeo. These animals are sensitive and social and should not be provoked and tormented to display their fearful responses for the 'entertainment' of few."
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