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Press Release
Australian tourists duped into eating dog meat in Bali
An Animals Australia investigation has revealed Australian tourists unwittingly eating dog meat in Bali. Dogs are being captured and killed not far from popular beaches for a secretive trade that is not only terribly cruel but poses a major public…
19 June 2017
Press Release
Cruelty and corruption flourish in live export trade under Australian government’s watch
CRUELTY AND CORRUPTION FLOURISH IN LIVE EXPORT TRADE UNDER AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT’S WATCH Tonight a new Animals Australia investigation revealed Australian cattle exported to Vietnam are being sledgehammered to death, butchered while still alive, and remain at grave risk of brutal…
16 June 2016
IN THE NEWS: Seitan recipes: The oldest fake meat in the world
13 November 2015
Press Release
Piglets, possums and rabbits mauled to death during barbaric greyhound training ‘rituals’
70 Australian greyhound trainers, including leading identities, have been implicated in illegal and brutal training methods – where live animals are tied to mechanical lures and dogs incited to chase and kill them. Evidence gathered during ground-breaking investigations by Animals…
16 February 2015
Press Release
Major live export investigation exposes animal welfare atrocities
Australian cattle in Gaza have again been subjected to sickening abuse, in cruelty so extreme, it can only be described as animal welfare atrocities. Animals Australia said the cruelty documented by investigators during the recent Festival of Sacrifice in Gaza,…
23 October 2014
Press Release
NSW battery hen farm exposed for cruelty … again
A farm that supplies eggs to Australia’s biggest egg producer has again been exposed for multiple animal welfare breaches. Last year, Pace Farms was fined $3,000 for overcrowding in cages at the facility in Corowa, NSW. New evidence provided to…
19 August 2014