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Press Release
Sheep still for sale at cruel Kuwait livestock market
Australian sheep are still being sold and brutally slaughtered at a notorious livestock market in Kuwait – in breach of live export regulations – despite Animals Australia notifying the Federal Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) five months ago.…
2 November 2013
Press Release
Cattle cruelty in Egypt systemic and routine
Graphic evidence of the appalling abuse of Australian cattle in Egypt has forced Australian live exporters to voluntarily suspend the live trade to that country. This was the only legitimate decision industry could take given the evidence clearly shows that…
5 May 2013
OPINION: What’s in it for the horse, asks scientist
20 February 2013
IN THE NEWS: Sheep farmers flocking back to mulesing
21 January 2013
OPINION: Super trawler not the only fishy issue that stinks
21 August 2012