Two very cute chicken chicks standing on green grass

4 reasons to try Veganuary.

Veganuary is a simple, fun way to explore plant-based food – but there are even more reasons millions of people are joining the challenge each year.

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated December 10, 2024

Animals Australia is the official Australian partner of Veganuary, an initiative inspiring people to opt for plant-based food for the month of January – and beyond – to create a kinder future for all.


Here are four reasons to give Veganuary a go:

Two little piglets in the long grass.

1. To help animals.

While working to end animal cruelty for nearly forty years, we’ve come to learn that choosing to leave animals off our plates is one of the most powerful ways to make a meaningful difference.

Animals categorised as ‘food’ suffer in the highest numbers – they are forced to endure legalised cruelty on Australian farms and have their lives cut short at just fractions of their natural life spans. Yet these animals crave comfort and safety just like the companion animals we share our homes and our hearts with. Every plant-based meal lessens the demand for animal products, and helps reduce the extensive suffering farmed animals endure hidden behind the walls of factory farms and slaughterhouses.

A koala mother with her baby koala sitting on the eucalyptus tree branch and looking downwards at camera

2. To help wildlife.

Farming animals for food is the single biggest driver of natural habitat loss worldwide, pushing native animals out of their homes. Some ‘protected’ native species are even killed or shot at to protect industry interests; native dingoes are being poisoned or shot in certain areas of the country, and seals are ‘deterred’ from fish farms using dangerous explosive devices. The survival of precious Australian wildlife relies on us learning how to better share this planet that is home to us all, and a big part of that is shifting the way we think about – and consume – food.

Photo from above of a cattle station, where cows are going out of a gate.

3. For the earth.

As well as being a major driver of habitat loss, animal agriculture is also a significant contributor to pollution and human-caused climate change. The waste generated by factory farm operations has been found to contaminate the surrounding soil and water, and even run off into the oceans causing dead zones. By shifting to a more plant-based food system, we can help preserve and restore the planet so that generations of humans and animals to come can survive and thrive.

A curious sea lion peers down from above, swimming below the ocean surface.

4. For the oceans.

Gear discarded or lost by the fishing industry is one of the leading sources of plastic pollution in the ocean. This ‘ghost gear’ is deadly to marine animals who can easily become entangled and die slow, painful deaths, be predated upon when unable to escape, or ingest smaller, broken down pieces of plastic. Many off-shore fish farms let faeces, food waste, and antibiotics spill directly into the ocean, and can destroy surrounding marine ecosystems. The kindest and most sustainable choice we can make is to leave sea animals in their ocean homes where they belong.

Sign up for our planet

Actually, there’s one more reason to sign-up to Veganuary…you!

Your Veganuary journey won’t only extend kindness to animals, but it can also be an amazing gift to give yourself. If you’re new to eating plant-based food, you may be surprised – and hopefully delighted – to discover all the incredible impacts it can have on your health.

Whether it’s a kinder world for all creatures, a brighter future for our children or a healthier way to fuel our bodies – Veganuary is here to help you put your hopes into action.
Toni Vernelli, Veganuary’s Head of Communications

Ready to give Veganuary a try?

Whether you plan to go it solo or ask friends and family to join you, rest assured you’ll be well-supported throughout your journey with an e-cookbook, starter kit, and emails with nutritional info, delicious recipes, meal plans and advice.