7 animals who are blissfully unaware of anything outside their happiness bubble.

If you need a little mental holiday, try seeing how incredible the world looks through the eyes of some of Australia's happiest animals.

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated November 10, 2016

Sometimes you just need to start your day off the right way… by seeing a bunch of pictures of animals who know only love, joy, and comfort every single day (oh and as an added bonus…. did you know that looking at cute animal pictures can help you concentrate?)

Meet some of Australia’s luckiest animals, whose world is one without politics, without controversy, without fear, prejudice, hatred or judgement. This is what love, kindness, acceptance, and forgiveness looks like:

ISA Darcy Freedom Hill

Darcy the Sheep

Life is for … ear rubs and whispering sweet nothings in the paddocks of Freedom Hill Sanctuary. Darcy and his human, Isabelle, share a quiet moment together on a sunny afternoon.

Two dairy cows in a field

Casanova & Napoleon

Isn’t family just the best? Casanova and Napoleon aren’t blood brothers, but that doesn’t make these lucky boys less of a family. They were united at Hart Acres Animal Haven to enjoy tender moments in the sunshine together, as well as cuddles from their human family too!

Greyhound lying on a couch with chickens

Jenny greyhound and Bert and Shirley chickens

Outside of Jenny’s perfect little world, some people think that no greyhounds can be trusted with small animals. Luckily Jenny doesn’t live in that world anymore, she lives at Brightside Farm Sanctuary where every day is filled with frolicking, playing, and cuddling on the couch with her fellow rescued mates, Bert and Shirley.

Piglets on the beach

Baby Pig

Baby pig was destined to be someone’s dinner, but she ended up doing this instead (what, you’ve never seen a pig being bottle fed at the beach before?). If that sunshine-drenched face doesn’t scream ‘bliss’, we don’t know what does. Baby Pig’s adventures have been featured on the Dodo, and her 11/10 score on the joy-o-meter comes courtesy of the kind folks at Sugarshine FARM Sanctuary.

dairy calf / bobby Calf lying in hay

Bobby Bob Bob the hen

This beloved hen is making up for lost time after being rescued, near-death from a battery cage. She now has her own bed in the house at Lefty’s Place and today she is probably doing what she always does — sniffing/eating flowers (yellow ones are her favourite) and watermelon, chatting to anyone who will listen, and posing for photos.

Baby goat in pasture

Vincent Van Goat (aka Vinny)

If anyone needs Vinny, he’ll probably be lounging around in green grass, stuffing his face with delicious, delicious food, being cuddled, or jumping on a trampoline with his human bff (no really, here’s proof). Vinny is a treasured resident at Greener Pastures Sanctuary.

Lady warmly and kissing embracing horse at Edgar's Mission Victoria
Image credit: Edgar's Mission

Custard the foal

Custard was cast out of the racing industry just days after being born, but this little girl landed on her feet after being rescued by Edgars Mission. Director Pam Ahern (pictured) stepped in to give Custard the reassurance and love she needed until a long-term home could be found for the foal. Thanks to the loving team at Horse Shepherd Equine Sanctuary, she was able to be bonded with foster mare, Megs, who became everything she needed to grow into a happy and healthy horse. It’s blue skies ahead for the rest of Custard’s days – just how it should be.

Still yearning for a little more joy in your day?

The world can be a complicated and overwhelming place, but if ever there was a time that human beings needed to come together, to celebrate what unites us – rather than what divides us it is right now. We believe that everyone, at heart, wants to be kind, and that by fostering compassion and understanding to all, we will tap into the true essence of humanity – that is, to become not just human beings, but humane beings.

Rich or poor young or old, Australian, American, Chinese or Brazilian — there is one universal trait that truly unites us all: kindness. Sit back and watch humanity in action:

Spreading joy and compassion can be as simple as making kinder choices every day. Discover how you can be a force of kindness in the world with these handy tips.

Featured image: Tiger lamb frolicking at Edgar’s Mission. Read Tiger’s story here.