Festival of Sacrifice' investigations 2017
Our investigators have just returned from the Festival of Sacrifice... What they found was an indictment on this cruel industry.
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Our investigators have just returned from the Festival of Sacrifice... What they found was an indictment on this cruel industry.
Our investigations into live export cruelty are inspiring people from one side of the globe to the other to take action for the animals.
World-first footage revealing the final moments of animals in Europe’s live export trade has sparked headlines around the world and inspired 1,000,000+ caring people to take urgent action. Images from our landmark eight-month investigation are reaching millions of people. For…
170,000 calves and sheep in Romania who will be spared a treacherous journey and cruellest of fates.
Live animal export is dangerous for people and devastating for the environment.
Whistle-blowing live export vet, Dr Lynn Simpson, pulls no punches in a brutally honest series of exposés that are catching attention worldwide — detailing the daily reality of 'life' on-board live export ships.
Australian and European animals exported live to Israel have been given an unprecedented voice in a ground-breaking public awareness campaign.
The government knew that animals were being sledgehammered in Vietnam. Yet they continued to allow Australian cattle to be exported there...
In an effort to 'milk' animals for every last dollar, the dairy industry has found a way to take advantage of live export rules.
Australians came to know him as 'the weeping bull'. Now, in the biggest live export campaign in Australian history, we are giving him a voice.
Forcing fearful Gaza slaughterhouse workers to kill large, untamed and stressed Australian cattle is a recipe for disaster -- on both ends of the knife.
Brutal and unhygienic slaughter of Australian cattle in Gaza makes a mockery of claims that live trade provides 'safe' protein to many importing countries.
Brave whistleblowers exposed the horrific neglect of dairy cattle and sheep exported to Qatar, but no one has been held accountable -- the tragic consequences of a system that completely overlooks 'breeding' animals.
Desperate attempts to discredit evidence of animal cruelty endemic in the live export trade were shut down during the Senate Inquiry into the welfare of animals in the live trade.
Millions of cattle, sheep and other animals have suffered and died during export from Australia to overseas countries for slaughter -- before they reach their destination. We provide the official statistics of 'mortality' during the sea voyages.
Animals Australia's first investigation in Indonesia - as shown on Four Corners - exposed the routine, widespread and brutal treatment of Australian cattle. The level of industry knowledge and complicity revealed a damning picture of the live export trade and…