Thank your state Senators for voting to end live sheep export.

Send a message of gratitude to your Senators now

Decision-makers who voted in favour of ending the live sheep trade weathered an aggressive campaign by the live export lobby to ensure that the welfare of animals – and societal expectations for their treatment – was prioritised. Thanks to them, the Bill to end live sheep exports by sea passed. We think that deserves some appreciation and encouragement!

A woolly sheep stands in a grassy field under a cloudy sky.

Send a message of gratitude to your Senators now

Decision-makers who voted in favour of ending the live sheep trade weathered an aggressive campaign by the live export lobby to ensure that the welfare of animals – and societal expectations for their treatment – was prioritised. Thanks to them, the Bill to end live sheep exports by sea passed. We think that deserves some appreciation and encouragement!

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated July 3, 2024

Australia’s parliament has just passed historic legislation to bring to an end the suffering of sheep in the live export trade.

This is the first government in Australian history to make such a monumental decision in prioritising animal welfare.

Every call made, rally attended, letter sent, and petition signed got this Bill in front of the Senate. And it was the decision-makers who voted in favour of the Bill that got this vital legislation over the line. Now it’s official – the live export of sheep by sea will be phased out, with a complete cessation by May 2028.

Sending them a note of thanks today will undoubtedly go far in making them feel acknowledged for their kind decision, and encouraged to keep making compassionate decisions in the future.

A mother sheep sitting gracefully with her cute little lamb on the green grass.
We couldn't have known the number of years it would take for governments to heed our calls for compassion. But that momentous day has finally come.
Lyn White, Animals Australia

The power of gratitude

Today is a day to celebrate this step forward for Australian sheep, and all animals. Let’s extend our gratitude to the each of the politicians who voted in favour of the phase-out – for recognising our societal responsibility towards animals and for representing those who’ve spoken up tirelessly for them. Your appreciation is powerful.

Celebrate this victory by letting our leaders know how much their bold and compassionate stance means to you and the animals.

Animals Australia
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