End the brutal Canadian seal slaughter.

Join the movement

When you add your name to this petition you are joining thousands of people taking a stand against animal cruelty. Help strengthen the global voice for seals by showing your solidarity today.

A fluffy white Canadian seal pup lays on the icy snow.

Join the movement

When you add your name to this petition you are joining thousands of people taking a stand against animal cruelty. Help strengthen the global voice for seals by showing your solidarity today.

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated December 3, 2021

Every year on the Canadian ice floes hundreds of thousands of seals are brutally bashed to death or shot by hunters for their pelts. Hunters are permitted to kill seal pups when they start to moult their downy white fur at around 12-15 days.

As a result many of the seals are only babies that haven’t even eaten their first solid meal or taken their first swim when they get a bullet through their skull or a club landing on their forehead. A study from 2006 published in The Journal of Animal Law detailed that in 42% of cases there was not enough evidence of cranial injury to guarantee unconsciousness at the time of skinning and in 79% of cases sealers did not check to ensure that the seals were dead prior to skinning them.

The European Union, the US and Mexico amongst other countries have already banned the import of seal fur or seal products because of the cruelty involved — a very strong sign that the international community condemns the hunt and wants it to end.

How you can help seals

This petition indicates just how many people care about seals. But you can have a real  impact for animals today. Here’s how:

  • Tourism is an important part of the Canadian economy. Send a quick message to the Australian contact for the Canadian Tourism Commission, Donna Campbell, to let her know that you and your family will not visit Canada whilst they kill hundreds of thousands of seals for their fur pelts.
  • Dress yourself in humane fashion and take the pledge to be fur-free!
  • If you see a retail store selling real fur or fur trim, ask to speak to the manager and politely inform them that animals killed for their fur are often electrocuted, gassed, beaten to death, or even skinned alive. Urge them to stock only faux-furs and other cruelty-free fashion. Follow up by sending a letter to their head-office about your concerns.
  • Remind any fur-wearing friends or colleagues that there is nothing stylish about fur. Encourage them to adopt compassion as their fashion by going faux.

* Please note that the purpose of this petition is to provide a visible indicator of the weight of public support behind ending the killing of seals in Canada and that the names of signatories are not forwarded.