Symbolic calf adoption

This symbolic adoption makes a perfect gift that gives hope to real animals.

$40.00   Sale

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  • Made from 100% recycled plastic bottles
  • Supplier proactively supports animal shelters around the world

Few people know that ‘bobby calves’ are the hidden victims of the dairy industry, wrenched from their mothers and trucked to slaughter at just a few days old. This adorable 36cm plush bobby makes a perfect gift—whether for yourself or a loved one—because it gives hope to millions of real, sensitive and scared bobby calves.

By providing a new home for your plush bobby, you’ll support our work to end the suffering of real-life animals trapped in our broken food system: animals who would give anything for a new home with love, freedom, and kindness. Your adoption will support public awareness issues to shine a light on cruel and unnecessary factory farming practices. Your gorgeous plush bobby comes with a necktie featuring the message ‘my future is in your hands’, and a symbolic adoption certificate for you, or as a gift in a loved one’s name.

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Purchase this product, buy into the movement for kindness.

A shopping spree never felt so good! We strive to ensure the products in our shop align with some exacting criteria: a set of ethical and environmental benchmarks that contribute to a kinder world. In selecting products, we try to support suppliers who are:

  • Kind to animals

    We only stock products that are completely vegan, and that come with a Choose Cruelty Free certification or similar equivalent.
  • Kind to people

    We do this by questioning supply chains and employment conditions for people involved with our suppliers.
  • Kind to the earth

    We do this by striving to ensure suppliers are mindful of sustainability and the impact their manufacturing processes can have on the environment.