Live Export Petition Exceeds 200,000 Signatures!

The largest petition tabled in the Australian senate in recent years passes the 200k mark, and the numbers just keep soaring...

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated April 2, 2018

Earlier this month Senator Andrew Bartlett tabled further petitions provided by Animals Australia containing a further 42,225 signatures calling on the Federal government to ban live animal export.

This brings the total number of signatures to 217,225—the largest single issue petition (cumulatively) in the past five years of the Senate.

A sincere thank you to all of our supporters who have been active in their community getting petitions signed. And please keep going!!

We are now directing the petition to the House of Representatives as both Prime Minister Rudd and Agriculture Minister Burke are in this House. Mr Rudd has also instigated a ‘petition committee’ to examine the issues being brought to the government so continuing to build this petition is a clear avenue by which we can bring public opposition to the live export trade to the government’s attention.

The reworded petition can be downloaded from here—but if you have half-filled in petitions still directed to the Senate, don’t despair, they can still be lodged!

Next target 230,000! Thanks again for your tremendous support!

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