Baby Henry asleep on his old best mate -- a blind rescued dog who has since passed away.

Meet Henry – the Australian pig who was one in 4.8 million!

Rescued from a factory farm and allowed to grow old at an animal sanctuary, Henry opened the hearts and minds of those lucky enough to meet him or hear his story.

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated November 7, 2022

Henry almost didn’t survive the first few days of his life.

His mum gave birth to him in a farrowing crate. At just a few days old, he was pressed in the corner of the barren cage, sick and dying, out of reach of his mother.

Her maternal instincts were overwhelming, and she wanted to be with her baby – but she couldn’t take any more than a step forwards or backwards, she couldn’t turn around, and she couldn’t tend to her sick piglet. Henry’s life – destined to be short and brutal – was going to be nothing more than another ‘acceptable loss’ for Australia’s ‘pork’ industry. It would begin and end in a bleak factory farm, where he’d never know love or see daylight.

But one kind soul believed in something better – and took action.

Watch now: Meet Henry, the rescued pig.

Emma scooped up the shivering, sick piglet who was just a few days old, and his destiny changed. To say he was lucky is an understatement – of the 4.8 million piglets born into farrowing crates in Australian factory farms every year, Henry was given the rare chance of a life worth living.

We all have the power to bring about positive change for animals. Give to Animals Australia’s ambitious 2023 campaign to end the caging of mother pigs.

Henry is being affectionately patted on the face.
More than anything else this Christmas, animals like Henry need our kindness. For Henry's life to completely change, all it took was one compassionate soul taking action.

Emma could not save Henry’s mum, or his siblings who, like most pigs raised for their meat in Australia, would be sent to slaughter without ever setting their small feet on grass or enjoying a soft bed of hay.

But Emma took tiny Henry and gave him the life he should have had all along – a life of freedom from confinement, suffering, and slaughter. A life in which he was loved for who he was, and not just seen as a product to consume and profit from.

Baby Henry and fellow rescue Raffy – a blind dog – snooze together cuddled up on a blanket.
From a cold, barren farrowing crate, to warmth, affection and safety – Henry was rescued and given the chance to live life as all animals should.

As we forge a kinder future together, join us in believing that all animals deserve a life worth living – a life like Henry’s.

One person can make a difference. Take action for pigs now – give a gift to help shine a light on Australian pig farming and call for an end to the use of cruel farrowing crates.


When Henry was rescued from a factory farm, his life began.

Henry lived out the rest of his days at Brightside Farm Sanctuary in Tasmania with Emma, his rescuer, and Raffy, a blind rescue dog who was also given a second chance at life.

Here he was able to roam on fresh grass and enjoy the company of other animals. At night he slept safely in a barn on soft straw, nose-to-nose with other rescued pigs. Henry formed a life-long bond with Emma, and when she called his name, he eagerly trotted across the paddock to her.

Henry became the star of our Christmas campaign in 2022 because we believe all pigs deserve to have a life as he did. We were deeply saddened when we heard of Henry’s passing, knowing how many hearts he touched and thinking of the strong bonds he formed at the sanctuary – but the sadness was also accompanied by deep gratitude and a sense of joy. Henry experienced a lifetime of love, safety, soft grass and sunshine; our greatest wish for all animals.

This year we will be starting an ambitious campaign to shine a light on the reality of farrowing crates in Australian factory farms, in honour of Henry and other pigs just like him. We’ll also be helping everyday Aussies understand the easy choices they can make to shape the kinder world they so deserve.

Support the campaign now.

Rescued pig, Henry, trots along at the animal sanctuary and appears to be smiling.
Henry was rescued from a factory farm, and at the animal sanctuary where he spent the remainder of his natural life, he was seen as someone – not something – just as all animals so deserve.

You can help shape a kinder future for pigs