These 12 children’s books are the perfect gift for compassionate kids
Our top picks aren't just engaging – they're books that will also nurture kindness and inspire the leaders of tomorrow!
Our top picks aren't just engaging – they're books that will also nurture kindness and inspire the leaders of tomorrow!
A person, or not a person? That is the question being argued in a New York court. The outcome of the case will decide the fate of both two young chimpanzees currently living as university experimental test subjects -- and…
Some call them 'cattle' -- we call them incredible individuals.
When these babies lost their mums, they nearly lost their lives. But thanks to wildlife carers, the 'mother's love' they so desperately needed wasn't far away...
Their 'uniquely human' qualities are costing them their freedom – and their lives.
If a disturbing international trend takes hold in Australia, dairy cows cruelly confined to factory farms could become the 'norm'... Discover more and how YOU can help stop this cruelty.
Nellie is a beloved Animals Australia team member, bin-raider, couch-dweller and teddy bear. Hers is a world where puppy factories don't exist - but that wasn't always the case.
Investigations have revealed widespread puppy factory cruelty in Australia. Discover the truth, and what you can do to help.
You've heard about puppy mills... but what about kitten factories?
The best thing you can do to combat cruel puppy factories just so happens to also be the most rewarding.