10 years after a ‘Four Corners’ live export exposé changed everything, we honour Tommy… and you.

Today marks the 10-year anniversary of a Four Corners exposé that is credited with fundamentally changing the way we relate to animals.

Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated May 30, 2021

Animals Australia’s Director of Strategy, Lyn White AM, has recorded this special video message to reflect on this historic milestone for animals — and where we go together from here.

That Four Corners episode, ‘A Bloody Business’, revealed the shocking results of our first-ever live export investigation in Indonesia, the images from which are forever etched into our national psyche. But we don’t want to talk about live export today.

Today, let’s honour the animals.

Images of Tommy, terrified and shaking while awaiting slaughter, opened hearts and changed minds for good.

Let us reflect with grateful hearts on the extraordinary wave of compassion that swept across our nation. We learned a lot about each other that day… that kindness truly is the thread that connects us all.

Let us remember a country forever changed… this investigation was credited by the media as lifting the consciousness of the nation when it comes to our treatment of animals.

Animals like dear Tommy … who stood trembling as his pen mates were slaughtered around him. For many people, coming face to face with him was the first insight they’d ever had into the experience of animals raised and killed for food – their fear, their clear desire not to be harmed.

Animals Australia's Lyn White entered this Indonesian slaughterhouse, and witnessed Tommy watching — and trembling — as his companions were killed and butchered in front of his eyes.
Animals Australia's Lyn White entered this Indonesian slaughterhouse, and witnessed Tommy watching — and trembling — as his companions were killed and butchered in front of his eyes.

We still often have people mention Tommy’s name to us and him being the catalyst for change in their lives – from embracing a plant-based diet to joining our community to forging a new career to help make the world a kinder place.

Tommy may have been powerless in that moment, but his legacy is a powerful one.

So, on this the ten-year anniversary of what was a groundbreaking moment for Animals Australia, our nation, and our beloved animals – let’s reflect on that legacy with love, gratitude, hope and optimism.

Optimism that in the words of author Arundhati Roy, “A kinder world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”

On a quiet day, so can we.

Black bull close up

You can still watch “A Bloody Business” online here.

More from Indonesia

Creating a kinder future together

While we have achieved so much since that unforgettable night in 2011, our efforts to protect animals from live export continue.

For as long as this cruel trade in living beings exists — we remain as committed as ever to sparing animals from falling victim to it. Your support today will enable us to do just that.