Protect kangaroo family from ‘convenience’ killing – his life depends on it.

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Demand kinder alternatives to killing permits

Killing wildlife shouldn't be the default position during the planning process for developers. Urge Victorian decision-makers to explore a more humane solution for 100 kangaroos who are about to be shot under a government-sanctioned killing permit.

A young joey peers out of their mother's pouch, on the patch of land in Epping Victoria.

Demand kinder alternatives to killing permits

Killing wildlife shouldn't be the default position during the planning process for developers. Urge Victorian decision-makers to explore a more humane solution for 100 kangaroos who are about to be shot under a government-sanctioned killing permit.

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This action is for Victorian residents, but you can still help kangaroos in the state by emailing Victoria’s Premier via her contact email:

Thank you for helping pave the way to a kinder future for native wildlife.

The Prime Minister’s email address is no longer monitored, but you can still contact Prime Minister Anthony Albanese here. Thank you for wanting to protect animals from cruelty!

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Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated June 12, 2024

Plans are underway for 100 kangaroos – including mothers and their joeys – to be killed in Epping, Victoria, so that a new housing development can be built on their home.

The rapidly shrinking grassland has provided refuge for generations of these kangaroos. Surrounded by public roads, freeways and high-density housing, these native animals are being squeezed out of their habitat – and now, developers want them gone for good. The Victorian Government’s answer? To shoot them.

Many people are surprised to learn that native wildlife in Victoria can be ‘unprotected’ and killed with Authority to Control Wildlife (ATCW) permits. It is one of these permits that is putting this mob of kangaroos in the firing line.

Wildlife killing permits are not uncommon. Just last year alone, over 1,400 of these ‘convenience’ killing permits were issued in Victoria to allow the killing of 68,104 Eastern Grey Kangaroos.[1] This is on top of the killing of kangaroos by the commercial industry, which profits from slaughtering them for their meat and skins.

Meanwhile, most Australians think that land should be shared with kangaroos.[2] Killing native animals is no longer deemed acceptable. Native wildlife deserve better.


Killing native animals shouldn’t be the default

When developers commence projects on undeveloped land, ‘removing’ wildlife is a routine part of the process. To ‘remove’ kangaroos, shooting and killing them is the only option provided by the government department tasked with issuing ATCW permits. But many wildlife experts believe a kinder way is entirely possible, and that with expertise, time, and money, kangaroos can be translocated to a new area.

Four years ago, the Victorian Government approved the first translocation of kangaroos who were set to be killed at a development site, after a wave of community concern demanded better for them. Proposals by experts and wildlife veterinarians were submitted, but the government instead opted to manage the project internally. Sadly, many of the kangaroos died from various issues related to how they were moved, and the trial was labelled a failure. Wildlife experts have since appealed to the government to try again, this time incorporating past learnings and expertise to ensure a higher survival rate.

After all, a single trial is barely sufficient to take this kinder, lifesaving option off the table.

Take action now

There are individuals and organisations in Victoria that are resourced and willing to invest their time and effort into exploring humane alternatives to killing kangaroos and joeys – including larger-scale translocations of animals. Experts are ready and willing to do whatever it takes to give wildlife the best chance possible. Precious native animals are worthy of being given this chance – they should not be killed just because it is ‘more convenient’.

They need your voice today

It’s now up to the Victorian Minister for Environment to consider the increasing concerns of the community, utilise the experience of professionals who routinely relocate kangaroos, and green light a policy shift that better considers the future of wildlife.

This image contains content which some may find confronting

A kangaroo family in Epping.
This family is one of many who may soon be shot in Epping. Native animals deserve better than to be killed simply for living on land that is going to be taken from them.
Image credit: Doug Gimesy for Wildlife Victoria

Will you help call on the Minister and your local MP to explore a more humane solution for the kangaroos who are about to be killed under Victoria’s ATCW permit system?

Personalised emails have a greater impact. If you wish, you can use the following points to edit the email below into your own words:

  • Most Australians do not want kangaroos killed for ‘convenience’ and support switching to non-lethal coexistence practices.
  • The Minister should approve more trials of kangaroo relocations as an alternative to killing them.
  • Future trials should utilise the skills of wildlife experts who have experience in successful relocations to give kangaroos and their joeys the best chance at survival in a new environment.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the team at Wildlife Victoria and their Travelling Vet Service,  for working tirelessly to protect these kangaroos alongside the community in Epping.  A very special thanks also goes to the devoted volunteers from Rescue Rehabilitate Release who have been vigilantly monitoring, rescuing, and caring for these kangaroos for many months. Animals Australia’s supporters will now join forces to do all we can to give them a kinder future. 

Call on Victorian decision-makers to seek kinder solutions for kangaroos under the ATCW permit system.

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Animals Australia
* Indicates required field.

This action is for Victorian residents, but you can still help kangaroos in the state by emailing Victoria’s Premier via her contact email:

Thank you for helping pave the way to a kinder future for native wildlife.

The Prime Minister’s email address is no longer monitored, but you can still contact Prime Minister Anthony Albanese here. Thank you for wanting to protect animals from cruelty!

By completing this action, you give permission for Animals Australia to contact you. You can unsubscribe from updates at any time.


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Please add a subject line, and consider editing in your own words. Personalised letters have a greater impact for animals.

Your representative is:

Minister for Environment and State MP
Dear Minister and Member of Parliament,


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To maximise the impact of your letter, you should send it from your own email program.

    1. Click "Prepare my email message" below.
    2. You will be redirected to your own email program, where a new email draft will be pre-populated.
    3. You will have the opportunity to edit the email and personalise it to give it more impact if you wish. Otherwise, just press "SEND" through your email program.

That’s it! With those simple steps, you can ensure your voice is heard in the call for valuable, meaningful change. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s call for kindness, now.

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Ready to help us make important, meaningful change? Send your message now and add your voice to the call for kindness.


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[1] Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action. (2023). Authorities to Control Wildlife: 2023. Available at:
[2] Kangaroos Alive. (2023). Spotlight on Kangaroos: National Survey Report. Available at: