Pledge to be fur-free!
Almost all fur in Australia is imported from Europe, the US and Asia, where animals killed for their fur are caught from the wild in painful traps, or are locked in tiny cages on fur factory farms.
3 December 2021
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Almost all fur in Australia is imported from Europe, the US and Asia, where animals killed for their fur are caught from the wild in painful traps, or are locked in tiny cages on fur factory farms.
3 December 2021
It comes as a shock to many Australians to learn that our laws allow treatment of farmed animals that has been banned for decades in the United Kingdom.
14 July 2021
BREAKING: Another major exposé, this time in Scotland, has revealed the true cost of salmon farming: immense animal suffering and environmental devastation. Here's what you can do to help:
29 March 2021
Somewhere': A glimpse of the outside world perhaps? A life worth living? Instead for millions of animals each year, it is lockdown for life, trapped in systems born in another era. And that' why these animals need your help to…
15 December 2020
When animals who live trapped among towers of rotting excrement have a better quality of life than those still 'in the system' — the question must be asked: how is this system still legal?
30 November 2020
They live only a few weeks, and those weeks are full of suffering. Find out why farming chickens for meat is one of the biggest animal welfare issues in Australia and the world today:
15 October 2020
Think free range means cruelty free? Sadly, this is what happens to unwanted baby chicks every day in all commercial egg production:
12 October 2020
What is 'life' really like for chickens raised for meat? Keep watching to find out...
30 September 2020
How is animal agriculture linked to the growing global 'superbug' threat? Keep watching to find out...
30 September 2020
How exactly are diseases like COVID-19 linked to the way we treat animals? Keep watching to find out...
21 September 2020
Germany is on track to become the FIRST country to stop grinding up the millions of live baby chicks considered 'waste' by the worldwide egg industry.
14 November 2018
A whopping 150,000+ caring Aussies speak up for the hens -- and against battery cage cruelty!
20 March 2018
Four of Australia's most well-known personalities have lent their voices to hens in our series of powerful radio ads.
25 January 2018
There's a reason why more and more individuals, retailers and fast food chains are committing to help get hens out of cages. Actually, there are many reasons ...
6 December 2017
To animal industries, the ability to have babies is a valuable commodity. As a result, mothers of many species suffer physical and psychological stress that is kept hidden from the view of caring consumers.
16 November 2017
The best way to save animals from suffering in factory farms is to stop factory farms from being built in the first place.
10 July 2017
An Animals Australia investigation into the Bali dog meat trade shocked tourists -- but also revealed what 'meat' means for other animals in Bali.
19 June 2017
This first ever look inside an Australian hatchery shows the routine horrors of egg farming. See for yourself.
19 July 2016
Farm-raised fish can suffer from such high levels of stress and depression that they essentially give up on life.
10 June 2016
Proof that pigs belong in our hearts -- not our bellies.
8 November 2015