8 farmed animal rescue stories that will warm your heart
Here are 8 farmed (and rescued) animals whose unique personalities and quirks have touched the hearts of those around them -- because they were given a second chance at life.
6 November 2020
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Here are 8 farmed (and rescued) animals whose unique personalities and quirks have touched the hearts of those around them -- because they were given a second chance at life.
6 November 2020
2020 has been a rough year so far. But even in these challenging times, there's good news. So here are 10 good news stories to brighten your day:
21 September 2020
A plan to begin exporting live animals from Namibia to Kuwait has been quashed thanks to a united, global effort drawing attention to the suffering caused by the trade.
10 September 2020
In the aftermath of a terrible disaster, the generosity of Animals Australia supporters helped the courageous team at Animals Lebanon to leap into action -- saving lives and sharing hope.
28 August 2020
Love a documentary that opens your eyes and expands your mind? These are definitely for you ...
27 March 2020
When it comes to live export, it's not often we get to hear a good news story... here's one of them.
13 February 2020
Germany is on track to become the FIRST country to stop grinding up the millions of live baby chicks considered 'waste' by the worldwide egg industry.
14 November 2018
What began as a basic love for animals led Ian to find a passion for rescuing roos and other beloved Aussie natives.
21 September 2018
On the basis of cruelty, the risk to public health and to the island's reputation as a tourist destination, Bali's Governor has issued a Decree that the dog meat trade will end.
26 July 2017
For the first time ever, top authorities in Bali have come together to address the dog meat trade. And their message of hope for Bali's dogs was resounding.
19 July 2017
Our investigations into live export cruelty are inspiring people from one side of the globe to the other to take action for the animals.
31 May 2017
Meet the 'invisible animals'. Used by so many - but seen and understood by so few. Photojournalist Jo-Anne McArthur is on a mission to make them visible.
16 April 2017
If you need a little mental holiday, try seeing how incredible the world looks through the eyes of some of Australia's happiest animals.
10 November 2016
The repercussions of our investigations into the greyhound racing industry have been game-changing. Here's how you helped make a difference.
24 August 2016
We may not yet have an election result but one thing we do know for sure is that hundreds of thousands of Aussies united to keep animals centre-stage of the second longest election campaign in Australian history.
4 July 2016
When it comes to loving life, ducks really have it down to an art. Here are 8 life lessons we can learn from ducks ...
23 March 2016
Rescued from slaughter as a calf, Salvador shows his affection for the people who saved him.
8 June 2015
Some call them 'cattle' -- we call them incredible individuals.
14 May 2015
When these babies lost their mums, they nearly lost their lives. But thanks to wildlife carers, the 'mother's love' they so desperately needed wasn't far away...
29 April 2015
Love animals, but can't make a lifelong commitment? Find out in this interview how you can enjoy the company of a dog or cat AND help save the life of an animal in need. The answer is simple: foster caring!
19 March 2015